

Below i am giving you a short description of Ghosts, Poltergeists, Haunted Places

Though ghost sightings and ghost pictures are often dismissed by scientists, ghost stories date back thousands of years and span numerous cultures. In fact, one of the first documented ghost sightings occurred in Athens, Greece, around 50 A.D.

Ghost sightings have also been documented in religious texts. For instance, the Bible and the Hebrew Torah both contain references to ghosts.
In this section, we'll discuss ghosts. We'll take an in-depth look at haunted houses, apparitions and poltergeists. Our articles will also examine the history of ghosts and provide information on ghost skeptics.
Haunted Houses
When ghosts are said to inhabit houses, the houses are referred to as haunted houses. Always popular attractions during Halloween celebrations, haunted houses are considered by many to be real and potentially threatening.

Some believers in the paranormal content that apparitions can often be seen in locations that they frequented when they were alive. Thus, it would make sense that a ghost would choose to visit his former home. Often, such tragic events as murders and suicides have occurred in haunted houses. Accidental deaths have also been associated with haunted houses.

Unexplained incidents, such as the unaided movement of objects or the slamming of doors, are often said to occur in haunted houses. Some of the scariest ghost pictures are also taken in haunted houses.
The house located at 112 Ocean Ave. in Amityville, New York, is one of the many famous haunted houses.
To many people, a ghost and an apparition are the same thing. However, for others, the term "ghost" refers to a disembodied soul, which may be revealed as a mist or a cloud, while the term "apparition" refers to a supernatural spirit that most often appears in human form.

Thus, an apparition of a deceased person will likely look much like the person did when he was alive.
Interestingly, though many people associate apparitions with the deceased, apparitions may also take the form of people who are still currently living.
When people hear the term "poltergeist," many immediately think of the scary movie trilogy of the same name. However, the word "poltergeist" refers to a spirit that is generally mischievous and occasionally malicious.

The word, which comes from the German words "poltern" (to knock) and "geist" (spirit), refers to the spirits' tendency to make noise. Poltergeist activity often includes throwing and moving objects.

Essentially, a haunted house is a place in which ghost sightings or ghost activities have been reported. Ghost activity includes an extremely wide range of paranormal events, from noises such as speaking, screaming and footsteps to poltergeist activity during which doors slam shut, objects move and people think they see ghosts.

For a house or building to gain a reputation for being haunted, all it requires are tales of ghostly goings-on. In fact, a haunted house rarely receives any scientific corroboration. Like urban myths, haunted house legends are typically spread through tales and stories told from one person to another.

Famous Haunted Houses in the U.S.
Athens, Ohio has been called one of the most haunted towns in the world by the British Physical Society. Athens boasts a vast number of ghost stories. There are five cemeteries in Athens, and, when connected by a line, they form a pentagon (an occult symbol representing magic and power) with Ohio University in its center.

Ohio University itself is reportedly one of the most haunted college campuses in the United States. The University owns most of the land around the building that used to be the state hospital, a building with many ghost accounts. Athens is said to be a haven for Satanists and occult followers. In the 1850s, the town was home to a large number of spiritualists.
Haunted Andleberry Estate
One of the more famous haunted houses in pop culture is the Andleberry Estate, in Clovis, California. This mansion is reportedly haunted by residents of the sanitarium, of which the mansion used to be a part. The owner says he has heard ghost activity and has felt ghosts breathing on him.

Many different groups, including paranormal investigators, LiveSciFi.TV and a local news station have all visited the mansion. In total, paranormal investigators at the site have recorded:

* doors that slam by themselves
* electronic voice phenomenon (EVP), a paranormal event recorded by some form of electronic media, like a tape recorder
* over 22 different spirits.

For many people, EVPs are proof that ghost activity is real and not fabricated legend.
Haunted Everything Else
Alcatraz, located on an island in San Francisco Bay, no longer operates as a maximum-security prison but is open to visitors interested in its history. Many visitors report hearing screams, cell doors slamming, footsteps and other ghostly activity.

Hotel Chelsea, in Manhattan, is one of New York’s more infamous landmarks due to its rich history of deaths and reports of ghost activity. Guests tell tales of seeing the ghost of Sex Pistols band member, Sid Vicious, in the elevator. Sid was suspected of brutally murdering his girlfriend in the hotel and later died of a heroin overdose.

Sid’s friend, Dee Dee Ramone, recounts a feeling of unease in the hotel after Sid’s death. Other Hotel Chelsea ghosts include the writer Thomas Wolfe and poet Dylan Thomas. One wonders how they get on with Sid.
Visiting Haunted Houses
A number of different Web sites list the details and locations of supposedly haunted houses (and haunted everything else, for that matter). Those interested in haunted houses across the United States and throughout the world can see haunted house pictures on the Internet. The Internet provides a great alternative to the high expense of traveling to different sites. And, it just might be safer too.