
Satan Worship – What are the Realities?

A man named Anton S. LaVey introduced Satan worship into the United States culture in 1966. He first started a group called the Magic Circle in San Francisco, California where people participated in eating human body parts. This shocking ideology grew in popularity leading Mr. LaVey to start the Church of Satan that boasted over 10,000 members at one time. Satanism is recognized as a legitimate religion by the government protected by the U.S. Constitution. Crimes arising from the practice of this religion have caused lawmakers in 24 States to write a special bill of rights for survivors of this religion. Satan worship entails nudity, perverted sexual acts, homosexuality, and torture of animals and humans.

Teens are known to develop their own ideological rituals in a form of Satan worship called Ad hoc groups. These teens prey upon other teens that battle low self-esteem, having no friends. The initial signs of a teen’s involvement in Satan worship include a drastic drop of grades, unusual angry outbursts, dying hair color to black, wearing bangs over the left eye, moodiness, severe depression, bazaar drawings in journals, and obsessions with death.

Satan Worship – The Proof
Satan worship involves ritual practices as part of their ceremonial precepts. The ideology of Satanists is to do everything that is opposite the concepts of the Christian God. God is pure in truth where the goals of Satan worship deal with all that is considered bad and perverted. Indulging in what makes them feel good is a must no matter what the consequences are to someone else. If society considers something good, to them it is bad. It is better to do bad things to other people. These practices lead to ritual abuses in children and adults with detrimental outcomes. Injuries from these practices overrun emergency rooms during satanic holidays. Legal court documents prove that successful prosecution of these perpetrators gives a sense of justification for what was done to the victims.

Satan Worship - Symptoms That Are Found and Defined In Ritual Abuse
Ritual abuse may be defined as abuse, which occurs frequently in a systematic manner. The most severe abuses are rape, sexual assault and torture, human/animal sacrifices or being buried alive in graves. Symptoms arise in the victims of ritualistic abuse. Children will act out what has been done to them by harming animals or other children in the same way. They will perform sexual acts and self-mutilation scarring. It is not uncommon to see the victim rock back and forth chanting or banging their heads. The children may be troubled with night terrors and have trouble staying awake during the day after late night rituals. Parents can identify the days of sleepiness in children around the same time as Christian holidays and solstices, because satanic rituals are conducted at these times. One or two of these symptoms does not necessarily warrant a child as being ritually abused, but a number of these symptoms coupled with other signs should be heeded by seeking professional help for treatment.

Satan Worship - What Can We Do To Help?
There is hope and healing for the survivors of ritualistic satanic abuse. Don’t be discouraged when people disbelieve your story as you start to tell someone. Seek Christian counseling for treatment. Ask God to send you to the ones who will lovingly help you out of the darkness. Parents and childless couples can become more involved with the children and teens in their neighborhood. Befriending the loners and creating an environment in which they feel comfortable with no judgment is conducive for growth in the self-worth that God sees in them. The slightest amount of good attention will make a difference in that child’s well being and eternity. This type of attentiveness from compassionate people will give the teens the power they need to avoid activities presented by Satan worship.

Caring adults can start after school programs in their homes or churches for both elementary and high school students. We can pray for the worshippers of Satan to find salvation. It does happen as a true miracle of God’s forgiveness. Be alert to illegal drug activity that takes place and turn it in to police. Satan worshippers use drugs to enhance their religious ceremonies. Parents can keep track of their children’s friends and their activities. Research the subject for more knowledge.

The Bible says, “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (Ephesians 6:13-17).