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Paranormal Experiences: Battle with a Demon

Battle with a Demon

From little on up (as my mother likes to say) I have seen and felt things that no else could. When I was young, I would point to a figure or person who should not have been in my home (or anywhere else I was, for that matter), and ask, "Who's that?" Normal reply to this was, "No one, be quiet," as my grandparents are deeply religious and felt anything "abnormal" was the work of the devil. As for my mother, she just gets freaked out very easily. 

Having spent 18, and now very close to 19 years of being being my friends' own personal Miss Cleo, as they love to tease me with that little bundle of joy title, friends and family have came to recognize and accept the fact I have something of a "gift," even if I don't see it as being anything special.

However, one of the most startling experiences happened this year.

At one point during the year, I was on a four-month internship at my mother's workplace. I adored not only my job, but my mother's and my boss, who I'll simply call "D." I don't think there's any real way to describe the incredible person that D is, so I'll just say that she believes in exactly what I do, and what is on your site. So one morning, she was working from her home office, and called in to check in on my mother and I to see how our work was going.

She told my mother that felt the energy in the office needed to be cleaned, as we had been working for a month on a very intense grant report to keep our funding. Needless to say, stress levels at that time were through the roof, and she wanted all the negativity in the office out. So she told mom to ask me to do a cleansing and a blessing, and then tell her how it went. After mom told me this, I trotted my happy self into the kitchen of the office, pulled out the salt and dumped some in bowl, said a little blessing over it, and went into the front office (which is my mother's) to start the cleansing.

Now, what you need to know about this office is that it is not only haunted, it had once been a seminary and then our town's very first... um... house of ill repute, to put it in a gentle way. So I knew we had ghosts, one of which is named Bradley and still teases and talks with me whenever I'm there. 

Also, a month before this, my mother had a terrifying nightmare that a demon was in her ear, trying to make her do bad things – which relates very highly to this story I'm sharing.

I had started the cleansing and blessing and had pinched some salt between my fingers, dusting it around the edges of the room. Before this, mom had been listening to the radio on the Internet, and I had told her to shut it off. As I was saying, "Goddess, cleanse this place and give your blessing on it," and all that other good stuff I say, I heard this... I don't even know how to rightly describe it. It was a deep voice, and it came to me like it was coming from down a long, very deep tunnel – almost like I shouldn't be hearing it. First I thought it was something outside because we had the window's open, and then I thought it was mom's radio, so I turned to her to tell her to turn it off, and there my mother sat, white as a ghost, trembling and staring at me. I quickly finished what I was saying and letting the salt out of my fingers, before I moved to the front of her desk.

She looked at me and asked me if I'd heard it, and I was just bowled over. This voice had been so evil that I had gotten cold chills down my spine. Mom was freaking out at this point, and I was feeling extremely paranoid, so I asked mom to follow me around the office as I finished my cleansing.

We moved back to her office, mom looking half in tears, and all she could really say was that it had sounded like a demon. It hit me, then – her nightmare from the month before. So I asked mom if I could do a cleansing on her, which she was against at first because she had had very bad experiences with church's and blessings, from growing up in a strict Pentecostal home.

But she assented to it once I assured her I wouldn't be "laying hands" on her or speaking in tongues. So I moved over her to and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, my chin on her head as she was sitting down. I began to ask the Goddess to cleanse this demon that had latched onto my mother. As I had never had done anything like this before, I was a bit nervous.

Mom started bawling, and I mean truly hysterical sobs, and at that pointed I started to honestly flip my lid. My mother is one of the strongest people I know, and to see her truly frightened and crying not only scared the crap out of me, it made me want to deck something, and hard.

She looked up at me, and said (I will remember her words until the day I die because it upset me so badly), "I feel it burrowing into my ear! It hurts. It's talking to me. Get it out, Callista. GET IT OUT!" 

I hugged her and put my mouth to her ear, just about in tears myself. I didn't know what to do at that point, really, so I just said what welled up in me. (Meanwhile, the ghost Bradley that I had talked about before was hunkered out in the back office trying to pretend he wasn't there, or whatever ghosts do when they are upset.)

I told the demon to get away from my mother, which I now know was an incubus. I told it that my mother would love me more than it would ever need her, and to get the hell out of her. I heard this strange whooshing noise, and then... it was like coming up for air after being under water and holding your breath until you were dizzy.

For a month, my mother and I had been at each others' throats, to the point where we would just look at each other and I would have the urge to slam her head into a wall or just start screaming at her. I thought this was stress from work, working with my mother and the normal drama that happens in a relationship between a mother and teenager daughter. I think it was this demon just feeding off our emotions, the most intense being our emotions of anger toward each other.

When we went home, I did the most thorough cleansing on my house I have ever done in my life. And during the day at the office, I sat there for a half an hour watching a black shape flash through our windows, looking like it was trying to get back in. I'm glad to say it couldn't.