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Paranormal Experiences:Uncle Jason's Spirit

Uncle Jason's Spirit

My husband and I met Jason through his girlfriend who is friend of mine. Right around the time I got pregnant, Jason and my friend broke up and he began dating someone new. We stayed in contact with him even though he and my friend had broken up because he was such a special, kind, loving person. He was totally involved in my pregnancy; he even went as far as to buy one of those monitors that you can listen to the baby's heartbeat before it is born and then after the baby is born it turns into a regular monitor. He bought our son his very first stuffed animal (a huge stuffed yellow duck!) before anyone else had ever bought us anything at all. He was fascinated by my growing stomach and would even touch it and feel my baby move.

After our son was born, Jason remained a huge part of his life. He would always come visit at our house or we would take him to see him. We called him "Uncle Jason."

Our dear, sweet best friend Jason passed away May 20, 2004, just days after turning 27. Luckily, the day he passed away, we went to see him and he held our son and we talked just like we always did. We got the call the next morning that he was gone. It was the worst day of our lives.

Just recently, my little boy, who Jason loved so much, has been saying he sees Jason. We will be sitting on our porch and there are trees across from our driveway and my son will start waving and smiling and say "Uncle Jason" is waving at him, but he will also tell you that "Uncle Jason" is in heaven and point to the sky.

The strangest thing happened the other day, when I went to visit my friend that had been dating Jason when I got pregnant (meaning that my son never saw Jason with this person, so he would have never known to put them together) and this specific day was also my son's second birthday.

We walked into my friend's house (she and Jason even lived there for a year when they were together) and my son started asking, "Where's Jason" over and over again. We were both really surprised, but I told him, "Remember, honey, Uncle Jason is in heaven." My friend and Jason had a dog together and she had the dog tied up right outside the kitchen door and my son walked half way over to the door and said, "No, there he is." And I said, "There who is?" And he said, "Jason. He is playing with the doggie."

This has happened several times, and we are not afraid. We look at it as maybe Jason is our son's guardian angel. Two very thankful parents for angels.