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Quija Board: Is it Because of the Ouija board?

Is it Because of the Ouija board?

What if next time he'll take my soul? Am i going to die?

My name is Vicky i'm 26 and i work as a security agent at the Children's Hospital.I'm not a big believer in ghosts and stuff but i wanted to try the ouija just because people told me not to...I guess i wanted to see if it's true...i'm not even sure all this happened because of it...

About three months ago me and my friend decided to try the ouija board,after hours of trying nithing happened (we followed all the rules) eventually i got bored and i forgot about the board for a while. One evening one of my friends came over ( he is goth and likes everything about this dark crap) we had nothing to do so i decided to try the ouija one more time (meanwhile he put on one of his dark metall cds) anyways, of corse nothing happened so we jocked about the ouija crap and he left around 1am. I went to sleep and after a while i felt something very forceful pulling me out of body and drugging me all over my appartment( i was floating or flying or whatever it was against my own wheel) every time i tryed to resist it would just spin me in the air like a yoyo , i was terrified,i couldn't scream or even control my own movements , in my mind i told the thing:let me go! leave me alone! please somebody help!I remember saying to myself :don't be scared and it'll leave but it just continued to drug me into my bathroom, kitchen, over my bed , when i tried to resist it one more time, it threw me into the wall, i closed my eyes thinking ouch! it's gonna hurt! but it didn't...I was terrified and i started to pray (i'm not religious) after some kind of flash light i found my self on my bed, for a first few seconds i couldn't move my body and slowly i started to move and i turned on all the lights in my appartment of course it took me a while to realise what happened...I know what nightmares is and it wasn't a dream!!!

Well, eventually i forgot about all this ..untill yesterday....It happened again but this time it forced me over my bed and then i felt some kind of force inside of me that resisted to it it almost felt like i was some kind of agressive animal,the more i resisted the stronger it pulled me up! i tried to call my cat and again i couldn't say a word...I said to myself-please somebody help! I thought maybe some of my dead relatives could help( I know it sounds crazy but i was too scared and desperate) and then i thought about my father (he divorsed my mother when i was two years old and i've seen him only once when i was 14, he died 7 years ago..commited suicide) i said in my mind father please help me! Amaisinly the thing let me go...but before it did it wispered something in my ear which i couldn't understand, when i got back i felt chills all over my body it was 2:35 am i was so scared i called my friend and asked him to come over...

I don't know what to do..i'm scared of this thing (and i'm not the chicken type) it is so forceful and why did it come back ? what does it want from me? I don't think it's connected to the stupid ouija board, but i don't know what to think anymore......Can somebody please give me some advice...please. I know it sounds unbelievable but please trust me..I wouldn't be wasting my time to invent some stupid story, I posted it here because i need to do something about it..but i don't really know what to do..