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he Wheel of the Year refers to the pagan calendar year. It follows the cycle of the sun as the earth revolves around it in 365 days. It mirrors the cycle of life as the seasons turn, always coming and going, forever ebbing and flowing. It begins on October 31st and its four minor and four major sabbats tell the story of the Goddess and the God, their cycle of love, lust, death, and rebirth. Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lughnassdh are major sabbats. Yule, Ostara, Midsummer, and Mabon are minor sabbats, because they mark seasonal changes.

Wiccans seek awareness of not only themselves, but of the earth. One of the best ways to becoming more aware of the earth is to pay attention to her cycles. Watching the seasons turn and taking part in celebrating the changes the land undergoes undeniably helps us become more familiar with the change going on in our own lives as well.

What looks like Sam-hane is actually Souw-in, the Witches New Year. This is October 31st, also known as Halloween. This marks the time when the God descends into the Underworld. The veil between the worlds is the thinnest and the living dance with the spirits of the dead. It is a time to remember our ancestors and those who have passed before us.

Near December 21st is Yule, the shortest day and the longest night. It is also the first day of winter. This is the time when the Goddess give birth to the God and it marks the rebirth of the Sun. From this point on, the days will grow longer and the return of spring is anticipated, though the cold months are just beginning.

February 2nd is Imbolc, known in mainstream society as Groundhog’s Day. The days get longer and the Goddess awakens from her rest. The growing light fertilizes the earth, sprouting seeds. The young God is growing into adolescence, and his sexual desires are rousing.

…which leads into Ostara. March 21st is the Spring/Vernal Equinox. It is one of two days when the amount of daylight is equal with the night. It marks the first day of true spring, for as the God matures, the Goddess covers the earth with fertility.

April 30th is known as Beltane or May Day. The God has matured and the God and the Goddess fall in love. They express their passions as they unite. From this union, she is impregnated with the young God. The fruits of passion are seen more and more as the seasons move towards summer. Animals begin to come out of their winter homes and plants begin to sprout.

June 21st or Summer Solstice is the most fertile time of the year. The reproductive cycles of the earth are exploding all around. It marks the first day of summer and is the longest day of the year. It is a turning point, for from this point on, the days will grow shorter.

August 1st marks the beginning of the harvest, Lughnassdh, for the days continue to get shorter, and the God is losing his strength. As the child grows within Her, the Goddess sees the old God dying.

September 21st heralds the Autumnal Equinox and marks the end of the harvest and the anticipation of winter begins. The days grow even shorter, and the God grows weaker yet. He will return to the underworld at Samhain.