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Haunted Locations in UK

Haunting places
UK locations
Nunnington Hall
Yvette Fielding and the Most Haunted team are in Yorkshire to investigate Nunnington Hall dating from the 13th century and with strong royal connections - it would seem that not one room of the house is without its own ghost or psychic manifestation. Will the team be able to bring these spirits to light during their stay?

Hall I’th Wood
Yvette Fielding and the Most Haunted team are in Bolton investigating a building that boasts myriad tales of multiple haunting – including the ghost of Mary, assumed to be the wife of Samuel Crompton (inventor of the Spinning Mule & a former tenant). Visitors report sightings of a peculiar white mist, a grey lady, strange lights, the sound of footsteps and slamming of doors. Children are said to be particularly sensitive to the spirit of a woman named Betty, who apparently shouts at them to leave! With so much unexplained activity what would the Most Haunted investigation of The Hall I’ Th’ Wood bring to light?

The Exeter Old Courts
Yvette Fielding & the Most Haunted team are in Devon, investigating Exeter Old Courts with their long and bloody history - many would have been sentenced to death there over the years. It was also the location of the infamous Bideford witch trails which resulted in the last ever hanging for witchcraft in England. Given its fascinating history, which in turn has generated many stories of ghostly sightings, it is little wonder that Most Haunted have chosen to investigate.

The Niddry Street Vaults Script
Yvette Fielding & the Most Haunted team are in Edinburgh to investigate the Niddry Street Vaults where witches, poltergeists and an evil misogynist await. The Vaults damp & dirty walls hold a myriad of supposed sightings and supernatural occurrences which defy explanation. The Most Haunted team are no strangers to Niddry Street and the horrors it holds, having experienced it during their spectacular Edinburgh Halloween Live in 2006. Of course they couldn’t resist the challenge of investigating once more, even though it holds their nemesis the chilling circle of stones…

Jedburgh Castle
Yvette Fielding & the Most Haunted team are in Northumberland at Jedburgh Castle - built on the site of the town’s gallows and where its medieval castle once stood – the Jail was a classic example of an early Howard reform prison – built to give wrong doers the chance to relinquish their evil ways – however, with the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and the attendant increase in crime, the Jail was adapted to make punishment the order of the day – what attracted the attention of the Most haunted team were the many stories of strange sightings, odd happenings and the sound of phantom pipe music heard in the dead of night. With such a chronicle of paranormal activity how could they pass up the opportunity to investigate?

S.S. Great Britain
The Most Haunted team led by Yvette Fielding are in Bristol to investigate the S.S. Great Britain. Brunel’s great nautical triumph was launched in 1843 after four back breaking years of construction. It immediately broke all existing records, described as “the greatest experiment since the Creation”. She was both the largest & the strongest ship ever built. By the mid 1800’s she was regularly plying to and from Australia carrying thousands of migrants to a new life down under. It is said that many modern day Australians can trace their family line back to those that under took those voyages on this great ship. Conditions were hard and many lost their lives on the long journey. What fired the collective imagination of the team were the many stories of hauntings connected with the ship, from its original conception through its many voyages to its final return, and to be the first to carry out a paranormal investigation on its decks was an opportunity they could not turn down.

Newton House
Yvette Fielding & the Most Haunted team travel deep into the heart of darkest Wales to Newton House where stories of strangulation, suicide & deadly revenge await. The House, dates from the 1600’s and stands in magnificent parkland, overlooked by the ruins of the 9th century castle. The site dates back to Roman times and beyond. The land has been fought over since time immemorial and was in and out of the hands of the Rhys family for many centuries as each successive generation found and lost favour with various monarchs. As with most houses of this size and age it passed through many owners and various uses, finally falling into a terrible state of dilapidation – however, the National Trust stepped in and saved it. It now sits in the Trust’s top 5 most haunted places – no proper investigation has ever been conducted in the House and the team have been allowed unfettered access – with such a long and diverse history it was crying out for Most Haunted to visit

Madame Tussauds
London is the destination for Yvette Fielding and the Most Haunted team where fear, dread and eerie dopple-gangers await in the most famous tourist attraction in the world. The attraction has a long and diverse history beginning life in France in the 1700’s – Marie Tussaud, nee Grosholtz, learnt her wax modelling arts from Dr Philippe Curtius, a physician and skilled wax modeller, for whom her mother was housekeeper. On his death, he left his waxwork collection to Marie. By 1835 she was established in London. “The Chamber of Horrors” became one of the first and most popular attractions. Despite success, Madame Tussaud, gained a reputation for being unsmiling and penny-inching. She died in 1850, but her legacy lived on via her sons. The business continued to prosper and by 1884, her grandsons had moved the exhibit to its current location on Marylebone Road. The stories of paranormal occurrences that cling to the attraction and its many exhibits were reason enough for Most Haunted to come and investigate

Wookey Hole
Somerset plays host to Yvette Fielding and the Most Haunted team as they visit Wookey Hole where as the story goes, a witch was turned into stone. The clashing of cymbals and ancient pagan rituals await. The spectacular series of caverns, 25 of which form the wonderful family visitor attraction, were formed over millions of years by what is now the River Axe which runs out of Wookey Hole and past the Mill, giving rise to the local belief that it flows from deep within the Underworld. They have seen human habitation for over 50,000 years and around 200AD, the Greek diarist Clement of Alexandria described hearing sounds like the “clashing of numerous cymbals” coming from the caves. The Mill has its own share of supernatural apparitions which convinced the Most Haunted team that an investigation of Wookey hole and its surroundings was long overdue.