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Prophicies : Wolf Messing and his prophecies

While still a boy, he had his first psychic experience: “My father sent me to the store… It was already dusk. The porch of our little wooden house was in darkness. Suddenly on the steps there appeared a gigantic, dark figure clad in a white garment. From above came a voice that said, ‘My son! I am a messenger to you…to foretell your future! Go to school! Your prayers will please heaven!’ “

Later, he moved to Berlin, where he developed his psychic abilities. He developed a mind reading stage act that quickly drew attention throughout Europe.

In Vienna he met Sigmund Freud, who tested him. Freud was amazed at the results. It took places in Albert Einstein’s apartment. Freud gave Messing a mental command. In Messing’s own words: “To this day I still remember Freud’s mental command. Go to the bathroom cupboard and pick up some tweezers. Return to Albert Einstein and pull out from his luxuriant moustache three hairs.” Messing did as told.

Years later, when speaking of the incident, Freud concluded that “If I had my life to live over again, I would devote it to Psychic Research.”

When he predicted Hitler’s death if the Fuhrer “turned toward the East.” Hitler had a sum of 200,000 marks put on his head. If Hitler, who was fascinated by the occult arts, had listened to Messing rather than his advisors, the war would have gone differently. Messing was arrested by the Germans. At the police station, he gave the officers a mental order to go to a room in the other end of the building, even his guards. He wrote: “When, responding to my will, the police had all gathered in that room, I lay completely motionless, as if dead. Then, quickly, I ran into the corridor. Instanly, before they could come to, I slid the iron bolt on the door…”

He escaped to Russia, where he continued his career as a telepathic entertainer. A career that had been interupted the night he was taken off the stage by green-uniformed Russian police officers and presented to “a man with a moustache.” It was Josef Stalin, Dictator of the Soviet Union.

Stalin commanded a frightened Messing to prove his psychic abilities of thought control. He told Messing to pull off a psychic bank robbery. Messing was to walk into the Moscow Gosbank, alone and unarmed, and come back with 100,000 rubles. Plainclothes agents would be inside and outside as witnesses.

“I walked up to the cashier and handed him a blank sheet of paper torn from a school notebook.” Stern Soviet agents watched as the elderly male teller looked at the paper, went to the safe, came back and handed Messing 100,000 rubles. Messing walked outside to waiting Soviet agents. Amazed, they counted the money then handed it back. When Messing returned to the bank counter and handed back the money, the teller looked at the money in surprise, looked at Messing then at the blank sheet of paper. He fell to the floor with a heart attack. “Luckily, it wasn’t fatal.”

Stalin tested Messing again a number of times — all successful.

After that, Messing went on to prove, more than any other woman or man, the validity of psychic mind reading, telepathy and precognition. (Stalin didn’t believe Messing’s prediction that “Soviet tanks would roll into Berlin” a year before Hitler invaded Russia.) Soviet parapsychologists threw every test at him they could think of. He astounded them all.

For the decades to follow, Messing alternated clinical testing with performances of his stage show, amazing and delighting audiences with his mentalist abilities.

Even though the Soviet authorities prevented the official printing of his autobiography, ABOUT MYSELF, in 1967, it was smuggled out of Russia in manuscript form. Now, with Russia free once more, it is available in published form.

Messing wrote: “My ability to see the future may seem to contradict the materialist understanding of the world. But there is not a particle of the unknowable or supernatural about precognition… The Future is shaped from the past and the present. There are patterns of connections between them… After an effort of will, I suddenly see the final result of some event flash before me… The time is coming when Humankind will understand all these phenomena. There is nothing strange about it.”

And about his telepathic powers: “People’s thoughts come to me as pictures. I usually see visual images of a specific action or place. I first put myself into a certain state of relaxation in which I experience a gathering of feeling and strength. Then it’s easy to achieve telepathy. I can pick up just about any thought. If I touch the sender, it helps me sort out the thought being sent from the general ‘noise.’ But contact isn’t necessary for me.”

Wolf Messing died suddenly and mysteriously in 1974.