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Paranormal Experiences: Haunted House

Haunted House Southern France

I lived with a real ghost experience. It was  not a positive experience and haunts me to this day. I was a student at university and rented an apartment with a roommate, and shortly after moving in, strange things started happening. Over the year, its hauntings, particularly of me, increased to the point I feared for my life. I'm female, my roommate was  a male. Strange occurrences began: little stones being thrown at objects near me (such as my computer screen) as I was typing an essay. I would hear the voice of my roommate calling for  me in his voice, and yet my roommate would say  that it was not him. Sometimes this would happen  even when we were sitting near each other, and  after a while, even when I was looking at him and  did not see his lips moving, then when he was not  even in the apartment. Clothing, photographs and personal belongings went missing (I "lost" half  my clothing wardrobe this year); a few items the landlord found in the dumpster and found it amusing that we would throw out things such as pictures (well, we hadn't). One day pennies were tossed at me and hit me on my arm and back.  Incidents escalated when my roommate and I were in arguments and when he was at class or at work. It would knock on the bedroom door when I was working at the computer or reading. We had a small storage room and it began scraping at the floor, digging a hole in the concrete; pieces of concrete were scattered all over the room, even good size chunks. Kitchen cupboard hinges began unscrewing and loosening. Near the end of the lease,

I had some library books I was going to return. I went back into the apartment to collect them and found one of them, a soft-covered pamphlet, ripped up with the words, "I will be with you - always" laying pieced together in front of me on top of the pile. Another really scary event happened when I went to sit on my bed, propping myself up with my pillow against the wall, and suddenly I felt squirming/nudging on my back. I screamed for my roommate to come in and  we found a toy dino inside my pillowcase (which I kept on a shelf across the room) which the spirit must have been moving around. That time, I could have sworn I heard a laugh. For some odd reason, I always felt as though the spirit must have been a boy child, but I could have been wrong. All I know is that to this day, I am still freaked out by the thought of this experience. By the end of the term, I was spending every weekend traveling home to my parents (rather odd for a university student!) and dreaded returning to that room.