
What is Automatic Writing?

Automatic writing is a process in which one writes from a subconscious state or a spiritual source without awareness of the content as it is being written.

Voluntary Automatic Writing

Automatic writing can be used as an attempt to communicate with the dead. Like all forms of communication, it can be dangerous as one is not aware who may reply.

The thought is a spirit can take control of the hand of a person in a trance or waking state to write messages or to draw pictures. Some claim that entire series of books, poems, music, etc. has been written by automatic writing.

The result of automatic writing is usually very sloppy, very vague and is open to interpretation.

Some skeptics believe that spirits are not involved in the manipulation of automatic writing – but the hand is controlled by that very person’s own subconscious thoughts.

Another issue to consider is the interpretation of the message, if one is received. Since most writings are vague or messy, each person may add their own interpretation to the message.

How To Do Automatic Writing

The basic recipe for automatic writing is that you open a word document (or get a pen and paper if you wish) and you type/write a question. But remember that you are not consulting your thinking mind. In order to do it successfully, you have to put your mind to one side.

In many ways, doing automatic writing is like being ‘in the flow’ while writing. If you’re a writer then you will know what I’m talking about when I say ‘in the flow’. It’s the state when you have many creative ideas and they all seem to fit together quite nicely, and you can transcribe them coherently and quickly – and often it feels quite exciting. Yet at the same time, your conscious mind is not labouring away – it feels effortless and light. You can also be in that state when you do automatic writing – not so much in a creative writing sense, but in an intuitive sense.

Why do Automatic Writing?

Here are some examples of when you could do it…

When you have a fear of spirits and are too scared to contact your guides in any other way
When you are not yet very clairvoyant or clairaudient (i.e. you can’t hear or see your spirit guides), so you want to try another way. Automatic writing is actually very easy if you manage to put your mind to one side, and I know lots of people who have trouble hearing their inner voice who have had success with automatic writing.
When you want to get your Higher Self’s perspective on something that is bothering you – (I used to do automatic writing when I was upset about something and needed to raise my vibration. I’d tune into my higher self and start writing. She always had some very comforting and insightful things to say about any situation.)
Or just when you have some questions that you want a spiritual perspective on.
Some tips for putting the mind aside and doing automatic writing successfully

1. Start each automatic writing session with ‘My Spirit Guides or My Higher Self’ or ‘My Angels’ as the first line.

You can call on all of them if you want. Be clear about whose input you want, as it sets an intention to hear from that being.

If you want, you can also see your guides as parts or extensions of you that you can access whenever you want, like your subconscious. (The more you see these entities as beings outside of you, the more channelling them may seem quite elusive.)

If you want, you can also raise your vibration and connect with your guides/higher self before you begin typing. For example, you can do some deep breathing, or visualize going up to a room to meet with your guides, so that you can get their input for the duration of the session.

2. Just start writing and don’t worry about what you’re writing at first.

For example, type your question and just see what comes out when you put your fingers on the keys. Just start writing about anything that comes into your head, just as you would if you were journaling about your day. The trick with this is to get used to writing (if you are not already). The more you’re used to writing, the easier it is to get into that ‘flow’ state when writing, where you can channel your inner sage.

3. Setting a timer while you do it can be helpful

This is so that you don’t have time to think about what you’re writing. That works particularly well when you have a set of questions you want to ask your guides. I do sometimes set a timer when I’m writing a blog article, especially when I’m being too much of a perfectionist or my mind is being very chatty and not saying very helpful things. Setting myself a time limit focuses my mind on the task at hand, and for automatic writing it can help to focus your energy.

4. Create the right conditions so that you can lose your inhibitions about what you’re writing

Sometimes while I’ve been doing automatic writing, my mind was judging the information I’m getting and wondering what people around me would think if they were reading it. If you do automatic writing on a shared or borrowed computer, you might feel inhibited. So, make sure you do it while alone and make sure you have privacy with your computer – one reason why I prefer a word document over pen and paper. To ensure absolute privacy with my automatic writing, I use a program called The Journal. The Journal allows you to set a password so that no-one but you can read your entries (and it automatically saves and dates everything). And it has a timer feature, which is helpful for automatic writing. They also do a free 45 day trial of it on their website, that you could use for the purposes of this exercise.

5. Don’t allow your mind to interpret the information while you’re getting it

You can interpret it afterwards. But know that it is totally normal for the mind to butt in and judge information in the process. When I started doing readings, occasionally I would be getting information and my mind butts in and freaks out: “what if this is all wrong” – especially if it’s highly specific information. However, experience has taught me that the mind’s fears are unwarranted in those situations. The mind can only react according to its previous experiences and its task of keeping you safe and secure. Intuition sees a lot further than that. So, know the role of the mind, acknowledge it for doing its job but don’t give it too much attention while you’re doing this exercise.

How do you know if you’re really channelling spiritual guidance?

Channelled information tends to be high vibrational in nature. It will often comfort you, provide clarity or will raise your mood in some way. If it feels negative or feels heavy, you’re probably not channelling a source that you want to tap into or you may just be channelling your own emotional body, if you are not feeling very good.

What you channel via writing will usually not sound like your voice. Mine speaks with authority and sounds completely different from the voice that I ‘think’ in.

Another feature of intuitive guidance is that it tends to be very clear, usually feels light and is often simply expressed. Having said that, I have read automatic writing that is poetic and metaphorical in nature. But don’t be hung up on how yours should sound or be. If you do it often enough, you will soon get a sense for what your automatic writing ‘feels’ like.