
High Strangeness in Cannock Chase

There are some haunted woodlands that are paranormal hotspots! In addition to numerous manifestations, they are also noted for cases described as 'high strangeness'. This definition basically describes incidents or entities that are bizarre in comparison to the more usual form of ghostly encounter.

The location below is a good representation of a high strangeness site:

Cannock Chase woods and the surrounding area is a location noted for outstanding beauty and ancient history. It is also one of the most paranormally active areas in the UK. Not just ghosts have been witnessed here, but other strange beings that have terrified witnesses.

The area also has a high level of UFO sightings that have been reported for decades. Both strange lights and craft have been witnessed in this location.

In addition, there have literally been thousands of observations over the years of a large black cat - frequently described as panther like - that stalks the Cannock Chase Woods and the surrounding country side.

One of the weirdest entities is a demonic dog that is believed to haunt the area. Witnessed by numerous people, the description seems to be the same - huge and muscular, with abnormally pointed ears and glowing eyes. This terrifying spectacle is often seen at night.

Another strange creature has been observed at night but unusually also during the day. This particular entity has been described as being like a werewolf. When witnesses first come across this creature they think it is an unusually large dog. On closer inspection, and for some reason unknown to the witnesses, they start to become very uneasy. When the creature becomes aware of them, it rears onto its hind legs and moves like lightening into the woods, running not on all fours, but only on its hind legs. This creature has been witnessed by many credible people - many who will not give their name publicly for fear of ridicule - but are adamant about what they have seen.

Another strange occurrence is a ghost like figure known as 'The Lady of the Chase'. This female apparition has been seen on numerous occasions around Cannock Chase Woods and the surrounding area. However, this spectre does not seem to be an ordinary woman. Witnesses describe her as being tall and slender and having a female shape. However, she has no breasts nor any sign of genitalia. But the eyes are described as being extremely large, dark and very hypnotic.