24 November 2014

Room 201

I work at a small motel in Tennessee. I've been at this place along time and had heard stories of the owner's first wife passing away on the property. She was said to have fallen down a flight of stairs and died instantly. Years after her death, the upstairs attic area was remodeled and made into rooms. A few months ago, I was alone at the motel working. The front desk was closed due to slow business during the winter months. I had only two or three rooms to clean then I would be heading out. One of my rooms due to check out that day was on the upstairs level. I noticed the car belonging to the lady I saw go into the room the day before was still there. My fist thought was that she had went shopping or walking through town before leaving.

I went up the stairs and noticed a "do not disturb" sign on her door. I went into another room and used the phone to call the room, which was #201. I did not get an answer. I assumed the lady had forgotten to remove her sign before she left, so I knocked on the door and did not receive an answer, so I entered. The layout of the room is a little strange. When you first open the door, you are facing the bathroom area. To enter the living or sleeping area, you have to open the entrance door all the way and turn to the right. To the right there is another door that people can use to close off the sleeping area.

The inside door was open. I peeped around the corner and saw the lady's feet. I said "sorry" and left the room. I left a note on the door for the front desk person coming in to check things that afternoon, that room #201 had apparently stayed an extra night. After I went home, apparently, the front desk person could not reach the woman either. He went up around 8 o'clock that evening and knocked on her door. The do not disturb was still up. When he didn't get an answer, he entered the room and called to the lady. When he didn't get an answer, he went into the sleeping area and found the lady was dead. There was a gun beside her on the bed and blood on her stomach area. Of course the police were called. A suicide letter was found. According to the letter, the lady had recently been treated for severe depression and was alienated from her family.

Two weeks later, another girl and I were on the property working. That was the first time I had to clean the room since the incident. Our maintenance department had taken care of the clean up after the death. The girl with me, Tammy, was extremely skiddish about going up there. She said all the stories about the owner's wife and now the suicide had her freaked out. I told her I had been up there several times and everything would be alright.

As we climbed the stairs, she said she wasn't going to let a ghost scare her. When we entered the room, the first thing we noticed was that all the pillows were gone. The inside door dividing the bathroom from the rest of the room was open and in its usual position. We stripped all the bed linens and left the room to find some pillows. When we came back, the door to the room was closed. I used my room key and reopened it. This didn't scare me because I'm used to the entrance doors closing in the building. But when I opened the door and entered the room, I saw that the inside door was also closed. This had never happened to me before. As I approached the door to try to open it, I felt a strong draft. Tammy screamed and took off down the stairs.

I have to admit I was also scared so I followed her. We took a few minutes to calm ourselves. When we started back up the stairs, I told Tammy that the ghost just proved she could scare her. When we got back to the room, the door was still closed. I tried to open it and it wouldn't budge. I hit the door really hard with my shoulder and the door flung open. As it opened, I felt the strong draft again, but there were no open windows or anything. Ever since that one occurrence, the door has never shut on me, but every time I enter the room I feel the draft. The strangest thing is Tammy and I are the only ones to ever experience anything up there. I think the lady just wants to prove she's there and can scare us any time she decides to.