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The Ghost Knocks Back

The first time I realized we had a ghost in our house was one summer day when my siblings and I were sitting in the washroom. I always heard stories about there being a ghost in the house, but as the youngest thought they were only trying to scare me. The washer and dryer were right next to the stairs that led down to the basement. My brother and sisters determined to prove our house was haunted, had us all gather in the back room to be certain it wasn't a trick.

My oldest sister began knocking on the wall. There was an immediate response from someone knocking in the basement. This continued for several minutes, but soon the gentle knocks from the basement turned into bangs. The bangs stopped and we heard footsteps coming up the basement stairs. We immediately proceeded out of the room, but before we could get out, the door began to close. We pulled it open and ran into the living room. After that it was deadly silent.

That same night I awoke to the noise of someone tapping on the wall. I shared the bottom bunk with my sister and the top bunk was empty, but the taps were coming from the top bunk. I woke up my sister and the taps stopped. I am convinced it was the ghost. Every time we played the knocking game, there would be taps at night. The ghost in our house was most certainly a young girl, for whenever she would do something such as slam a door, we could always hear a faint giggle, as if coming from a child. The strange happenings continued until we moved from the house in 2001. I know this all sounds crazy, but it is 100% true.