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The Legend of the Hoofed Lady

The year was 2004 in the month of July. My close friend of twenty-plus years and his cousin were driving to his cousin's home Laikipia district that borders the famous Mount Kenya, a mountain that is on the equator, also the home to Mount Kenya Safari Club.

They were caught in heavy afternoon downpour that made them slow down considerably. They had barely driven ten kilometers on the Nyeri-Nyahururu road when his cousin brought up the subject of the latest phenomenon that had been reported by several people driving on this road. This had happened to more than five different people, hence the reason it had raised much of a concern.

he story said that drivers on this road found a beautiful lady caught in the rain on a certain stretch on the this road. She would indicate to be given a lift, which of course most men would not refuse, it being a rural area.

Once in the car and settled, they would notice the the lady they gave a ride to does not have fingers, but hooves instead! The same condition would be for the feet -- cloven hooves! When my friend's cousin came up with the story, they did not give it much thought.

About ten kilometers from the point they were discussing this story, still in the rain, a lady hailed them for a ride. Carefully, they stopped and checked for the said hooves and seeing none, they welcomed her inside the car. She introduced herself and they to her.

Eager to find out the truth about the story doing rounds in the area, they asked her about it since she is from the same place. To their amazement she answered, "Yes, she exists. She has hooves just like these..." thereby displaying a pair of hands with hooves instead of fingers! They simply stared at each other unable to say anything

My friend was driving and he couldn't wait to reach the nearest shopping center. It was still raining when they got there. When the car came to halt, they actually ran out, leaving the car on the road, and shockingly, looking back from the safety of the nearest shop, the back seat had no occupant! She had simply vanished!

They related their ordeal to the people at the shopping center, who confirmed to them that the same had happened to several other people just as it had happened to them.

Their ordeal was not over yet. Once they overcame the initial shock, they got in the car to drive off. My friend started the engine, engaged the gear (here most cars are stick-shift), only to find that the car felt like it was stuck. It could not move an inch! They got out and while checking on the wheels, the one of the rear left appeared like it was sunk in the tarmac -- on a road that is smooth and had no potholes! Yet the tire was still inflated.

They called the same people in the shopping center to help push the car; they had been watching the drama of the immovable car unfold barely ten meters away. They pushed the car forward. It moved, yes, but the point at which it had sunk rose up with the movement of the car forward and it became level tarmac again. They pushed it again forward, this time it moved with ease and was completely free. They drove off, still wondering what could be ahead of them.

My friend's cousin checked one more time on the rear seat and noticed something odd: If someone wet enters the car, you would expect water on the floor mat and on the seat, but there was none. The car seat was completely dry, so was the mat.

From that point on, it was smooth all the way to his cousin's home. They chose not to relate their ordeal to anyone lest they appear silly. That day, both of them missed their dinner; they were too shocked to eat. My friend still laments that that "being" shouldn't have chosen to torture them the way it did. To date, he does not give lifts to strangers.