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After Life Dream

I had two experiences since my brother-in-law was murdered in November, 2010. Both are related to him. He was 20 years old and very close to my son and my husband.

On Christmas Day, my husband was very upset and depressed from losing his brother three weeks prior. He was also there and watched him die, holding him, trying to keep him from bleeding out. Every day he has flashbacks about the whole thing and is still very stressed out and fragile.

That night, when everyone went to sleep, I prayed and prayed that I could get a sign to let me know that my son and my husband would get through this, that everything would be okay and that he was watching over us and protecting him from the bad things that got him killed.

I stopped praying and decided to turn my light off, and as soon as I sat down in my bed I heard something. We have a gold wreath about six inches in diameter with bells on it hanging in the kitchen, which is about 15 feet away from my bedroom. I heard three distinct shakes from it. I sat up in bed and listened for it again, and this time it was loud like it was right next to my door. I got up and went to go look in the kitchen and it was rocking back and forth.

It was the middle of winter, so all the windows were closed -- there was no breeze. I think it was him giving me a sign.

The second experience was last night. I was having a hard time explaining what happened to my brother-in-law to my son. He's very young and doesn't fully understand that we're never going to see him again.

That night I went to bed upset because it brought back hurtful memories. I had a dream that I was sitting somewhere next to my son and I saw someone I thought looked like my brother-in-law across the room. The room was crowded and I said something to my son about it and he smiled. A pure happy smile. I looked next to me and it's him -- my brother in law. He looked down on me and reached his hand out to me and I grabbed it. He squeezed my hand extremely hard, but it didn't hurt.

I felt so much love through my hand and up to my heart. He smiled at me and I smiled back. Then he walked away and disappeared. When I woke up soon after, I had hand marks on my hand. Like someone squeezed it. The weirdest part? My son had the same dream. I think he's checking on us. We miss him and love him so much.