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Dead Aunt Left a Message

I have had numerous experiences throughout my life with the paranormal and believe I am a sensitive. The most recent one was just last week when my Aunt Jean contacted me from the other side.

I had a phone that I bought in October, 2009. I moved in May, 2010 and switched carriers, so could no longer use that phone or the service. Last week, January 6, 2013, I remembered that I had some photos and video on that phone and wanted to retrieve them. I charged up the phone and turned it on.

This phone, like most, would always go to the home screen when turned on. However, when I turned it on this time, the "recent calls" list came up! When I looked at the last call made from that phone, it was made on August 21, 2011.

This was impossible for many reasons, one being that there had been no service to that phone for a year and a half prior to that date, and two, I had had neck surgery and at the time the call would have been made and I had no voice. Therefore, I wasn't using any phone at all at that time. Third and most important, the call had been made to my Aunt Jean's phone number, which had been disconnected in 1993 due to her death.

There is no other explanation other than my aunt was sending me a sign. I turned the phone off and back on again, and the same thing happened! I showed it to my brother, the skeptic, and he was visibly shocked.

The other day I turned the phone on again to see what would happen. The home screen came up normally, but when I checked recent calls, there was my aunt's number still there... and it still is today.