
Disappearing Object Phenomenon

The disappearing objects phenomenon (DOP) is a somewhat known type of event that has been having a large number of reported cases.

I had no previous knowledge of these type of events, nor regarding the large quantity of people reporting events where things mysteriously disappear.

Most times, people tend to forget about DOP events, no matter how strange the situation was. They forget about it ever taking place, don’t give it much thought and discarding it as unimportant. 

This could also be happening because the DOP appears impossible to the person experiencing it. 

Also, the mind could be trying to justify itself to what it knows, since the mind constantly finds correlations as a means of making sense of the world.

 People find themselves dwelling over Darwinian DOP explanations such as being victims of robbery, memory failure, or just rather not talk about it to avoid being seen as crazy or anything similar.

Many things have been said about the DOP, some talk about spirits, parallel universes, aliens, spiritual alignment and many other things. For me, they could all be true, but no one really knows what it is yet.
The latest quantum physics theories point out to parallel universes, it might make sense to see the disappearing object phenomenon as some kind of different universe interaction making objects shift position or similar.

Also, science still needs better understanding of how the inner works of the mind operate. It’s scientific common sense that we may have abilities beyond our current understanding, so much needs to be known regarding possible interactions between the mind (spiritual) and the physical (Darwinian) paradigm. Maybe new spiritual abilities are being born to mankind, and the disappearing object phenomenon might be the result of that.

It might also be yourself saying something to yourself subconsciously that triggers these DOP events. The mind could be playing tricks on you. This kind of memory “incorrections” have been studied in witness testaments where the mind might “see” what isn’t there. That might have caused you to actually move the object, but since you’ve made up a version of reality in your brain, the real reality isn’t real to you. Basically what this means is, somehow you forgot a few steps of what happened, so the thing gone missing doesn’t make sense. Sure, it doesn’t make sense to the version your mind has of reality.
Can we really trust our mind? The conscious and the subconscious one? Maybe subconsciously we’re making ourselves aware of something, maybe a needed shift in life direction, new dreams or aspirations.

Maybe it’s some old family ancestors trying to make a message across. The “truth” is that, in fact, one knows what DOP really is… Yet.