
The Hammering Ghost

When I was in the fifth grade, my best friend died from hanging. I should note that to this day nobody knows if it was on purpose or accident. 

My sister, who is four years younger than me, found him hanging. He was too high for either of us to do anything. 

There was a picnic table that was flipped over that lay beneath him. Ever since that time, my family heard footsteps walking from one side of the house to the other... even when there may have been one person at home at the time. 

The most bizarre experience I had was when my sister and I were home alone about one year later and we heard pounding on the walls. It was just over a year that my friend died. I went upstairs to find out what it could be and I went room to room, when finally I came to the spare bedroom and found a hammer lying in the middle of the floor. 

There was no damage to anything. I talked to my parents soon after that and they said that nobody had been in that room in almost a month. This happened in 1981. To this day my parents still hear the footsteps.