
How to choose a significator on Tarot Readings?


A significator is a card selected to represent the inquirer (or object) of the reading. It is very common to select a significator from the court cards. 
 Suit Appearances
Wands Very fair haired & red haired persons with a fair

Cups Moderately fair persons.
Swords Generally, Dark persons.
Pentacles Very dark persons

 Kings Men  (Under 40 yrs old )
 A Knight ( 40 years old and
Queens Women  (40 years old  and upward)
Princes Young Men 
Princesses Young Women
 Page  (any female of less age)

 The four Court Cards in Wands represent very fair people, with yellow or auburn hair, fair complexion and blue eyes. 

The Court Cards in Cups signify people with light brown or dull fair hair and grey or
blue eyes. Those in Swords stand for people having hazel or grey eyes, dark brown hair and dull

 The Court Cards in Pentacles are referred to persons with very dark brown or black hair, dark
eyes and sallow or dark complexions. 

Eg : King of Cups : A Man with a fair complexion

The same system with the playing cards. 

Crowley’s Book of Thoth

 The pack being in front of you, cut, and place the top half to the left.
2. Cut each pack again to the left.
3. These four stacks represent I H V H, from right to left.
4. Find the Significator. If it be in the Yod pack, the question refers to work, business, etc.; if in the
Heh pack, to love, marriage, or pleasure;, if in the Vau pack, to trouble, loss, scandal,
quarrelling, etc.; if in the He' final pack, to money, goods, and such purely material matters.
5. Tell the Querent what he has come for: if wrong, abandon the divination

Astrological Suit 
 Suit Element Sun Sign
Wands Fire Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Cups Water Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
Swords Air Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
Pentacles Earth Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

Rank & Age 
 Kings Men
Queens Women
Knight Young Men
Pages Young Women

 March 21 to April 19 Aries Queen of Wands Emperor
April 20 to May 20 Taurus King of Pentacles Hierophant
May 21 to June 21 Gemini Knight of Swords Lovers
June 21 to July 22 Cancer Queen of Cups Chariot
July 23 to August 22 Leo King of Wands Strength
August 23 to September 22 Virgo Knight of Pentacles Hermit
September 23 to October 22 Libra Queen of Swords Justice
October 23 to November 21 Scorpio King of Cups Death
November 22 to December 21 Sagittarius Knight of Wands Temperance
December 22 to January 19 Capricorn Queen of Pentacles Devil
January 20 to February 18 Aquarius King of Swords Star
February 19 to March 20 Pisces Knight of Cups Moon

 Rank Modality
Kings Fixed Sign
Queens Cardinal Sign
Knight Mutable Sign

Major & Minor Arcana Method 
 Major Arcana
•  Magician or High Priestess
•  Emperor or Empress
•  Justice – for Legal Matters
•  Astrological Sign
•  Birth Cards
•  Numerological Reduction of Your Birthday

Season Zodiac / Planet Modality & Dates

Minor Arcana Birthday Reduction
Select the suit based on the element of your sun sign. Reduce your birthday to a 10 digit number to get
the pip card.
Suit Element Sun Sign
Wands Fire Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Cups Water Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
Swords Air Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
Pentacles Earth Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

EG: March 21 - June 20 it is spring 

Ace & Page of Pentacles 

Myers-Briggs Method
A new method for determining the significator has recently appeared. It is based on the Myers-Briggs
personality typing. Each Court card has a specific personality type assigned to it, based on the
traditional meanings of the card.

King of Wands ENTJ
Queen of Wands INTJ
Knight of Wands ENTP
Page of Wands INTP
King of Cups ENFJ
Queen of Cups INFJ
Knight of Cups ENFP
Page of Cups INFP
King of Swords ESTJ
Queen of Swords ISTJ
Knight of Swords ESTP
Page of Swords ISTP
King of Pentacles ESFJ
Queen of Pentacles ISFJ
Knight of Pentacles ESFP
Page of Pentacles ISFP