
Minchiate Tarot Review

I have mentioned about Minchiate Tarot decks in my previous posts

Minchiate of Florence, a 98-card deck consisting of the standard 78 cards augmented by twenty additional major cards representing the twelve signs of the zodiac, the four elements (Fire, Water, Air and Earth) and four cardinal virtues (Hope, Prudence, Faith and Charity; though these are often considered to be Wisdom/Prudence, Temperance, Courage/Fortitude and Justice).

The Minchiate Tarot by Brian Williams is an redesigned, modern version of the minchiate tarot invented in Florence in the mid-16th century. Williams' images are original, but they closely follow the poses, symbols and attributes of earlier decks. The Minchiate Tarot has 97 cards instead of the usual 78. Many cards are repeated, but there are also 12 astrological sign cards, 4 element cards and virtue cards such as Faith, Hope and Charity. Minchiate cards traditionally do not have titles, but Williams has added card names and numbers in English and Italian. In the companion book The Minchiate Tarot, Williams describes the meaning and symbolism of each card. He also traces the historical development of the image with many illustrations from earlier decks and works of art.

This a deck & book set. 

The book is very handy and it gives you brief description about the cards, symbols, and the illustrations, but the definitions were cut short, not sure whether this a reversible or nonreversible deck but no meanings of reversals, but in the book it mentioned about how reversals are being old fashioned and not preferable. 

On the other hand upright cards might have negative meanings so I see no reason why no reversals.

If everything is gonna be upright than most of the readings will be positive and you will be only fooling yourself.

The cards measure 3" X 5" it is a little it big for my hands and I find it extremely difficult to shuffle but I much prefer bigger decks rather than using a small miniature cards the ones that I need to use a magnifying glass to see the symbols and details. 

The book is good for the symbols, illustration and for other bits and bobs. But it does not give us detailed divinatory meanings, yes some cards are the same as the RWTD but still I want to see the writer's view of perspective, details something not included in classical RWTD books or any tarot books, maybe how we can combine this deck with different types of decks or how we can choose the the significator by age / gender / skin colour we already have the horoscopes so maybe how can we use the  elementals  in our reading.

Could be more detailed, I am not happy about the general meanings / interpretations.

In any deck or oracle you can use the 

There 3 Spreads mentioned in the book that you can use any spreads it is totally up to you.

Celtic Cross 
The Tetrakys
12 House Spread

Writer could have mentioned in addition to these spreads, you can try these different spreads,  

Eg I would love to see different spreads for love / marriage

Daily Life
Money / Finance

I generally use 3 cards or 5 card spread in my own way.

Card numberItalian namedepicted on the minchiate cardcorresponding Minchiate Francesi cardcorresponding tarot of Marseilles cardcorresponding divination tarot card
(0)Il mattoThe madmanMomusLe Mat (the madman)The Fool
IPapa uno; l'Uno; il Papino; GanellinoPope one; The trivial performer(Mercury)I Le Bateleur (the trivial performer)1 - The Magician
IIPapa due; GranducaPope two; the Grand Duke(Bacchus)III L'impérarice (the empress)3 - The Empress
IIIPapa tre; ImperatorePope three; The Emperor; The Western Emperor(Amor)IIII L'empereur (the Emperor)4 - The Emperor
IVPapa quattro; ImperatricePope four; The Empress (Fiorentine); The Eastern Emperor (Etruria)(Venus)V Le Pape (the Pope)5 - The Hierophant
VPapa cinque; InnamoratoPope five; LoveAmorVI L'amoureux (the Lover)6 - The Lovers
VIla TemperanzaTemperanceTemperanceXIIII Temperance14 -Temperance
VIIla ForzaFortitudeFortitudeXI La Force (fortitude)8 - Strength
VIIIla GiustiziaJusticeJusticeVII La Justice11 - Justice
IXla Ruota della FortunaWheel of FortuneFortuneX La Roue de Fortune10 - Wheel of Fortune
Xil CarroChariotnoneVII Le Chariot7 - The Chariot
XIIl gobbo; il tempoHunchback; timeOld ageIX L'Ermite9 - The Hermit
XIIL'impiccatoThe hanged mannoneXII Le Pendu12 - The Hanged Man
XIIIla MorteDeathnoneXIII La Mort13 - Death
XIVIl DiavoloThe DevilnoneXV Le Diable15 - The Devil
XVla Casa del diavoloThe house of the DevilnoneXVI La Maison Dieu (the house of God)16 - The Tower
XVIla SperanzaHopeHopenonenone
XVIIla PrudanzaPrudencePrudencenonenone
XVIIIla FedeFaithnonenonenone
XIXla CaritàCharityCharitynonenone
XX to XXIIIil Fuoco, l'Acqua, la Terra, l'AriaThe four elements, fire, water, earth, airFire, Earth, Water, Airnonenone
XXIV to XXXVla Bilancia, la Vergine, lo Scorpione, l'Ariete, il Capricorno, il Sagittario, il Cancro, i Pesci, l'Acquario, il Leone, il Toro, i GemelliThe zodiac (Libra, Virgo, Scorpio, Aries, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Cancer, Pisces, Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, Gemini)December, November, October, September, August, July, June, May, April, March, February, Januarynonenone
(XXXVI to XXXVIII, but usually unnumberred)La stella, la Luna, il SoleThe star, the moon, the sunThe Star, the moon, the sunXVII L'étoile, XVIII La Lune, XVIIII Le Soleil17 - The Star, 18 - The Moon, 19 - The Sun
(XXXIX, usually unnumbered)il Mondothe Worldthe WorldXXI Le Monde21 - The World
(XL, usually unnumbered)L'Angelo; Le trombeThe Angel; The trumpetsRenownXX Le Jugement20 - Judgment

It is not a cheap deck, so unless you are a professional reader or a collector you do not need this deck.

You can buy  The Minchiate Tarot for £30