Suits: Cups, Coins, Staves, Swords
Court Cards: Page/Handmaid, Knight, Queen, King
Strength is 7
Justice is 8
here is the description of Minchiate
Minchiate is an early 16th century card game, originating in Florence, Italy. It is no longer widely played. Minchiate can also refer to the special deck of 97 playing cards used in the game. The deck is closely related to the tarot cards, but contains an expanded suit of trumps. The game was similar to a complexified tarocchi.

Card number | Italian name | depicted on the minchiate card | corresponding Minchiate Francesi card | corresponding tarot of Marseilles card | corresponding divination tarot card |
(0) | Il matto | The madman | Momus | Le Mat (the madman) | The Fool |
I | Papa uno; l'Uno; il Papino; Ganellino | Pope one; The trivial performer | (Mercury) | I Le Bateleur (the trivial performer) | 1 - The Magician |
II | Papa due; Granduca | Pope two; the Grand Duke | (Bacchus) | III L'impérarice (the empress) | 3 - The Empress |
III | Papa tre; Imperatore | Pope three; The Emperor; The Western Emperor | (Amor) | IIII L'empereur (the Emperor) | 4 - The Emperor |
IV | Papa quattro; Imperatrice | Pope four; The Empress (Fiorentine); The Eastern Emperor (Etruria) | (Venus) | V Le Pape (the Pope) | 5 - The Hierophant |
V | Papa cinque; Innamorato | Pope five; Love | Amor | VI L'amoureux (the Lover) | 6 - The Lovers |
VI | la Temperanza | Temperance | Temperance | XIIII Temperance | 14 -Temperance |
VII | la Forza | Fortitude | Fortitude | XI La Force (fortitude) | 8 - Strength |
VIII | la Giustizia | Justice | Justice | VII La Justice | 11 - Justice |
IX | la Ruota della Fortuna | Wheel of Fortune | Fortune | X La Roue de Fortune | 10 - Wheel of Fortune |
X | il Carro | Chariot | none | VII Le Chariot | 7 - The Chariot |
XI | Il gobbo; il tempo | Hunchback; time | Old age | IX L'Ermite | 9 - The Hermit |
XII | L'impiccato | The hanged man | none | XII Le Pendu | 12 - The Hanged Man |
XIII | la Morte | Death | none | XIII La Mort | 13 - Death |
XIV | Il Diavolo | The Devil | none | XV Le Diable | 15 - The Devil |
XV | la Casa del diavolo | The house of the Devil | none | XVI La Maison Dieu (the house of God) | 16 - The Tower |
XVI | la Speranza | Hope | Hope | none | none |
XVII | la Prudanza | Prudence | Prudence | none | none |
XVIII | la Fede | Faith | none | none | none |
XIX | la Carità | Charity | Charity | none | none |
XX to XXIII | il Fuoco, l'Acqua, la Terra, l'Aria | The four elements, fire, water, earth, air | Fire, Earth, Water, Air | none | none |
XXIV to XXXV | la Bilancia, la Vergine, lo Scorpione, l'Ariete, il Capricorno, il Sagittario, il Cancro, i Pesci, l'Acquario, il Leone, il Toro, i Gemelli | The zodiac (Libra, Virgo, Scorpio, Aries, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Cancer, Pisces, Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, Gemini) | December, November, October, September, August, July, June, May, April, March, February, January | none | none |
(XXXVI to XXXVIII, but usually unnumberred) | La stella, la Luna, il Sole | The star, the moon, the sun | The Star, the moon, the sun | XVII L'étoile, XVIII La Lune, XVIIII Le Soleil | 17 - The Star, 18 - The Moon, 19 - The Sun |
(XXXIX, usually unnumbered) | il Mondo | the World | the World | XXI Le Monde | 21 - The World |
(XL, usually unnumbered) | L'Angelo; Le trombe | The Angel; The trumpets | Renown | XX Le Jugement | 20 - Judgment |
The ace to ten and the court cards resemble their standard counterparts more closely. There are the four standard Spanish and Italian playing card suits of swords, batons, coins, and cups; these contain pip cards from ace to ten, and four face cards: a jack, a knight, a queen, and a king. In the minchiate deck, however, in the suits of cups and coins, the "knaves" or "pages" (Italian fanti) have been replaced by "maids" (fantine). The knights, mounted figures in the tarot of Marseilles and similar designs, are centaurs or sphinxes in many minchiate decks. The suits follow the Spanish pattern with the exception of the batons which follows the northern Italian pattern.
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Minchiate Florentine Tarot |
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Minchiate Florentine Tarot |
Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance were three classical "cardinal virtues" depicted in the more familiar tarot trumps. The minchiate supplies the remaining cardinal virtue — Prudence — and but inserts them with the three theological virtues, Faith, Hope and Charity. The only other deck to have the theological virtues was the Cary-Yale deck. This is the only deck to include all seven virtues.
The standard tarot card The House of God, becomes the House of the Devil in the minchiate deck or Hellmouth; it depicts a nude woman fleeing a burning building. The Moon depicts an astrologer studying the moon instead of the tarot of Marseilles howling dogs and lobster. The card corresponding to the Hermit is often called Time, or the Hunchback; it depicts an elderly man on crutches. The minchiate version of the Hanged Man is called the Traitor; he carries bags in his hands as he hangs upside down, a representation associated with treason in 14th-century Italy. Like other southern decks, the final card in the series is not the World, but Judgement. The minchiate completes the series by adding all the zodiac signs (in random order) and the four classical elements.

The eight highest ranking trumps have a red background while the top five (the aire) are usually unnumbered. A 98th card was made for some decks. It is a trump with a red background and is also unnumbered like the aire. It depicts a nude woman running in a wheel, a motif not seen elsewhere but may be related to Trump IX, the Wheel of Fortune. While 98-card decks were mentioned as being played in Sicily during the early 18th century, only two examples dating from the 19th century to pre-World War I Genoa survive. It is uncertain how this card ranked and how it affected the versicole sequences in the game. Also unknown is how it relates to the 98-card version of the Minchiate Francesi described below.
Minchiate Francesi
The Minchiate Francesi, also called Minchiate de Poilly after it's attribution to engraver François de Poilly, refer to 3 different French decks utilizing the same set of engravings. The first has 42 numbered trumps, the second has 40 numbered trumps and Momus as an unnumbered card and lacks the first's "Le Chaos" card, the third has 21 numbered trumps and Momus as an unnumbered card. The intended game for the first deck is unknown, but the second appears to be intended to be played like the Italian Minchiate while the third deck appears to be intended for ordinary Tarot (despite still being called a Minchiate deck). The order of the motifs for the two latter decks have been rearranged compared to the first deck to more closely resemble their Italian counterparts. All three decks have the same 56 pips cards with French suits. The engravings share motifs with both the Italian Minchiate and the Tarot Nouveau as well as taking unique motifs from Roman Mythology

Cards Points
Trumps 36-40 10
The Fool, Kings, and Trumps 1, 10, 13, 20, 28, 30-35 5
Trumps 2-5 3
All others 0
Versicola del Tredici: Trumps 1, 13, and 28
Versicola delle diecine: Trumps 10, 20, and 30; or 20, 30, and 40; or 10, 20, 30, and 40