
Nefertari's Tarot

Another nice deck to talk about. This deck is very pretty, and you'll fall in love with this deck. 
It has got the black borders and gold foils
I love the illustrations on the cards, it is a multi lingual card so you see German,  French, English and Italian versions. 
If you look La Forza, you can guess forza might mean force, to force you need strength 
Nefertari was the bride of Ramses II, a great pharoah of ancient Egypt. In this deck, artist Silvana Alasia combines Egyptian art, symbols, gods and hieroglyphic writing. The titles and background are a shiny gold foil to simulate the richness of this culture. (Unfortunately, this effect comes across as a dull green in these images.) Patches of color have been "rubbed off" to create an aged effect. At the top of each card is the number and name in four languages. At the bottom is the name in Italian. The minor arcana suit symbols are traditional except for ankhs instead of pentacles. Knights are riderless horses. The Tarots of the Sphynx is a less expensive, mirror-image reversal version of this deck minus the gold foil. Nefertari's Tarots is published by Lo Scarabeo of Italy and distributed by Llewellyn in the US.
This is actually good and we learn the other names of the cards like Bastoni 
back of the cards. 

Suit Names: Wands, Chalices (Cups), Swords, Pentacles

Court Cards: King, Queen, Knight, Knave (Page)

This also a reversed deck. 

If you live in London you can see the actual cards in " The Astrology Shop" in Covent Garden. 

They have got amazing books and cards, since I saw the cards in the shop, It's been calling me, I regret that I did not buy the deck that day :(

Nefertari's Tarot: 78 full Colour Tarot Cards and Instruction Booklet available on amazon