
Tarot De La Rea

I would like to talk about some tarot decks.
Today I chose Tarot De La Rea

Here are the other cards from Tarot De La Rea, but this deck is very rare to find, it was a self print deck and it is unpublished, or out of print.

It is pretty much similar to Tarot de Marseilles

Name: Tarot de la Rea
Creators: Alain Bocher
Publisher: Self Published 1982 
Deck Type: Tarot Deck
Cards: 78
Major Arcana: 22
Minor Arcana: 56
Deck Tradition: Marseilles

Minor Arcana Style: Decorated Pips

Suits: Epee, Deniers, Baton, Coupe (Cups, Wands (batons, clubs, or staves), Swords, Pentacles (coins, disks, or rings))

In contrast, the French suits are spades (♠), hearts (♥), diamonds (♦) and clubs (♣).

Court Cards: Valet, Cavalier, Reine, Roi

Major Titles: le mat, le bateleur, la papesse, limperatrice, l'empereur, le pape, lamouraux, le chariot, la justice, l'hermite, la roue de fortune, la force, le pendu, unnamed 13, temperance, le diable,la maison-dieu, le toule, la lune, le soleil, le jugement, le monde 
The Fool is Unnumbered
Strength is 11
Justice is 8