It is a dark themed Tarot yes. and I am loving this deck.
There are 78 cards like in usual RWS style decks.
I purchased this deck just to use it for spirit communication, wish I have purchased this earlier on for the Ghost Train during Samhain but for next year sure I will use this.
I have not yet tried this for spirit communication but I will pretty much soon.

It is not for beginners as it is symbols only , but if you are a reader or a collector, also if you like dark themed decks it is your deck.

These are reversible.
Actually you do not need anything written on the cards, as when you look at the cards, the images tells you what card they are.
You do not need anything written on the cards to see the middle card is "The Magician "
I like Dark / Gothic Tarots but not all are my cup of tea.

It is dark not that dark dark, it is glamorous.
You will fall in love with the ghostly, transparent images
There are Roman Numerals on the card instead of Names, Roman Numerals are a bit unfortunate for the ones who have dyslexia.
On The Court Cards we have images, like the ones in Chest Game,
Images represents the emotions of the cards, images are the keywords, for the cards, you can just read it by looking at the images. But if you are used to classical RWS decks, you may not find the Pamela Colman Smith's meanings on the images, taking about the keywords here, but you can read the images and create your own keywords, that is the great part of it