
Haunted Locations in Alabama

Adams Grove Presbyterian Church 

Built in the mid-19th century, this abandoned Greek Revival church has claimed enough paranormal activity to have several research groups conduct investigations.

Adams Grove Presbyterian Church is the old church, It is reported to be haunted by many differnt ghosts and other paranormal activity. The cemetery located there at the church is also said to be a very haunted place. Some people over the years have even claimed that pure evil is in and around the church. Many people over the years have claimed to see a shadow man with a hat and fiery red eyes inside the church and in the grave yard.
There is a Confederate soldier that is said to walk up to people and order them off the property. Keep in mind at this time the church is private property and you need permission to go on the property. Many ghost hunters over the years have produced TV shows and documentrys about the church.

Auburn University Chapel

The chapel was built in 1851 as a Presbyterian church in the Greek Revival style. During the Civil War , the building briefly served as a Confederate hospital for wounded soldiers, and later in the century was temporarily divided into classrooms when the main building of the nearby Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical College burned in 1887.

Around 1900, the church was renovated in a Gothic style. The building was sold to the college in 1921, where it became the YMCA/YWCA center for a few years. From 1927 to 1973, it housed the Auburn Players Theater, the college's acting troupe

Between 1973 and 1976, the structure underwent a significant renovation for conversion to the Auburn University Chapel, an interdenominational, multipurpose building, a function it still serves today. The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places as Auburn Players Theater on May 22, 1973.

Lgend states that the building was haunted by "Sydney", the ghost of an Englishman and Confederate soldier who died in the chapel during the time it served as a hospital. When the building became a theater, the ghost began haunting the acting troupe. When the troupe moved to a new facility elsewhere on the Auburn campus, the ghost followed, and is now reported to haunt the Telfair Peet Theatre. The ghost was investigated recently by a well-known show on the History Channel. Auburn Theater students frequently leave Sydney Skittles before performing shows.

The story of the Boyington Oak begins with Charles R.S. Boyington, a young printer who arrived in Mobile from Connecticut in 1833. The 1830s were Mobile's years of rapid growth and expansion. Boyington was known to be a frequent gambler, and lived in one of the many boarding houses that dotted the city. On May 11, 1834, Boyington was seen accompanying Nathaniel Frost, an acquaintance who supposedly owed Boyington money, on a walk to Church Street Graveyard on the outskirts of the city. Frost was later found stabbed to death and robbed near the cemetery.

Boyington was the obvious suspect in the murder, and was found guilty of the crime. He was executed on February 20, 1835 for the murder of Frost and buried in the northwestern corner of Church Street Graveyard, in the potter's field section.

Prior to being hanged, Boyington reportedly stated that a mighty oak tree would spring from his heart as proof of his innocence.An oak tree did eventually grow from the grave. Although the grave and tree were originally inside the brick wall surrounding the cemetery, the wall was moved back from this section shortly after the turn of the 20th century. Today the Boyington Oak stands just outside the cemetery wall, on the edge of Bayou Street.

The story of the Boyington Oak has been published numerous times.The story is featured in Kathryn Tucker Windham's Jeffrey's Latest 13: More Alabama Ghosts, John S. Sledge's Cities of Silence, Nelson and Nelson's A History of Church Street Graveyard, and Pruitt and Higgin's "Crime and Punishment in Antebellum Mobile: The Long Story of Charles R. S. Boyington" in the Gulf Coast Historical Review.Ghost stories about the tree claim that visitors have reported hearing crying and whispering sounds emanating from the vicinity of the tree.

The Dr. John R. Drish House

The Dr. John R. Drish House, also known simply as the Drish House, is a historic plantation house in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, United States. It is considered by state preservationists to be one of the most distinctive mixes of the Greek Revival and Italianate styles in Alabama.
First recorded by the Historic American Buildings Survey in 1934, it was added to the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage on July 31, 1975, and subsequently to the state's "Places in Peril" listing in 2006. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2015

The large stuccoed brick mansion was built at the center of a 450-acre (1.8 km2) plantation on the edge of town for Dr. John R. Drish in 1837.Drish, a native of Virginia, was among the earliest settlers of Tuscaloosa, settling there in 1822. A widower himself, he married a wealthy widow, Sarah Owen McKinney, in 1835. By that time he had a successful physician's practice and worked as a building contractor, with many skilled slave artisans. These slaves executed much of the early plasterwork in Tuscaloosa.

Built for Drish by his slave artisans, the first early incarnation of

the house is usually credited to the influence of state architect William Nichols.The exterior of the house, as completed in 1837, featured full width, monumental Doric porticoes to the front and rear, with two-story pilasters dividing each bay on all four sides.

The house was extensively remodeled in the Italianate-style prior to the American Civil War, with a three-story brick tower being added, the front columns changed to the Ionic order, brackets being added to the eaves and overhangs, and two-story cast iron side porches to each side.John Drish died in 1867, reportedly from a fall down a stairway, and Sarah Drish died in 1884

The mansion changed hands several times after the death of Sarah Drish; while it was still a residence the surrounding property was sold and subdivided to create Tuscaloosa's first major expansion. The structure eventually came to be owned by the Tuscaloosa Board of Education, who opened the Jemison School in the house in 1906. The house continued to be used as a school until 1925, after which it was purchased for use as a parts warehouse for Charles Turner's Tuscaloosa Wrecking Company. It was during its use as a parts warehouse that Walker Evans took his famous photograph of it in 1936, displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

In 1940, it was purchased by the Southside Baptist Church, which added a sanctuary abutting the house on one side and a detached Sunday school building on the other. The church retained it for the rest of the 20th century. It was eventually threatened by proposed demolition in 1994, but was leased to the Heritage Commission of Tuscaloosa County instead by former church members when the church became defunct in 1995. The house was in a state of disrepair by 2006, when it was added to the "Places in Peril" listing by the Alabama Historical Commission and Alabama Trust For Historic Preservation. It was deeded to the Tuscaloosa County Preservation Society in July 2007; the group has made efforts to stabilize the structure and hopes to raise enough funding for its eventual restoration. They had the church additions demolished in 2009.

The house has been the site of purported hauntings since the early 20th century. It was featured in Kathryn Tucker Windham and Margaret Gillis Figh's 13 Alabama Ghosts and Jeffrey, in the short story "Death Lights in the Tower." Alleged supernatural events over the years have included people reportedly seeing the third-story tower on fire, when no fire is present, and ghostly lights coming out of the house.


Gaineswood is a plantation house in Demopolis, Alabama. The house was completed on the eve of the American Civil War after a construction period of almost twenty years. It is the grandest plantation house ever built in Marengo County and is one of the most significant remaining examples of Greek Revival architecture in Alabama. It is reportedly haunted by the ghost of a former housekeeper from Virginia. She was in charge of the daily running of the house for General Whitfield after the death of his wife. Her ghost supposedly plays the piano in the music room.

Kentucky State Office Building

he Kentucky State Office Building in Frankfort was built over a period of several years, from 1937 to 1940. Prior to its construction, the land it sits on was home to the original Kentucky State Prison.

The first Kentucky State Penitentiary was built in 1798 and the following year a branch was built in Eddyville. By 1912, the Eddyville branch became the main penitentiary, while the facility in Frankfort was renamed the Kentucky State Reformatory. As the name suggests, the Reformatory was supposed to have started handling younger, less violent offenders, but due to overcrowding issues at all the facilities, it continued to house prisoners of all ages and levels.

That overcrowding, in addition to severe flood damage in the mid-1930s, led to a major restructuring of Kentucky's penal system. A new reformatory was built at another location, and the heavily damaged, outdated building at Frankfort was torn down to make room for a new office complex.

Those working in the office building today believe that the souls of the Kentucky State Penitentiary/Reformatory are still on the property...causing mischief throughout the building. Many employees refuse to work in the building after hours due to all the strange things experienced over the years. People have been touched. They've heard voices and footsteps and seen shadows. One ghost in particular likes to run the copy machine in an empty room, and another likes to rustle the paperwork in one of the cubicles. Another witness reported seeing a man step into the elevator, but when he walked up to the elevator right as the door was closing, he could clearly see it was empty. When he pushed the button, the elevator popped back open immediately, confirming that no one was inside.

During a period of time between 2005 and 2007, the building underwent extensive renovations, which seemed to have stirred up the activity. Construction workers reported being grabbed by unseen hands, and at least one person claims to have been shoved down the stairs by someone who wasn't there. The building opened back up in 2007, still housing various departments of state government, and....still housing a few ghosts as well.