
Tarot Spells

For matters related to love, family, emotions, and relationships, you may want to choose Cup cards as your focus. Consider an Ace of Cups to represent new beginnings and starting over, a Three of Cups to symbolize celebratory events like births or weddings, or the Queen of Cups to stand in for a sensual and captivating woman. The Lovers card, although associated with love and all its trappings, is one you may want to use if you’ve got a decision to make between two potential romantic partners, or you’re trying to help someone (including yourself) overcome temptation. Cup cards can also be used to represent the element of water.

For matters related to love, family, emotions, and relationships, you may want to choose Cup cards as your focus. Consider an Ace of Cups to represent new beginnings and starting over, a Three of Cups to symbolize celebratory events like births or weddings, or the Queen of Cups to stand in for a sensual and captivating woman. The Lovers card, although associated with love and all its trappings, is one you may want to use if you’ve got a decision to make between two potential romantic partners, or you’re trying to help someone (including yourself) overcome temptation. Cup cards can also be used to represent the element of water.

When it comes to money, education, economic stability or business,Coin/Pentacle cards are a good place to start. In addition, they’re the perfect stand-in for the element of earth. Use an Ace of Coins to bring about brand new prosperity and abundance – they’re perfect for money magic! The Eight of Coins represents success at work; consider this one if you’re jockeying for a promotion or raise. If you’re looking for guidance and an end to financial problems, consider bringing out the Page of Coins.
Sword cards are associated with air, and they’re all about conflict. These come in handy if you’re trying to do spellwork that is damaging or destructive (as always, if your tradition forbids cursing or harmful magic, don’t do it, and you can just skip over this paragraph). A Three of Swords can bring about heartache and pain, particularly if there’s some sort of love triangle involved. Use a Seven of Swords to represent a deceitful liar in your life. The Knight of Swords will reveal the truth to those who need to hear it, whether it’s something they want to hear or not.
If you’re doing a working related to communication, creativity, or the element of fire, it’s time to pull out some Wand cards. The Three of Wands represents the success you’ve been looking for, and the Four of Wands is all about celebration.

For matters related to self-awareness, intuition, and spiritual growth, the Major Arcana cards are the perfect starting point. Utilize the Magician card to help yourself take action and become master (or mistress) of your own destiny. Call upon the Strength card to give yourself a bit of a spiritual boost and some inner fortitude. To bring about the changes that come with spiritual rebirth, consider utilizing the Death card in a working. If you’re cursing or hexing someone, you may want to incorporate the Devil card or the Tower.

all you need is 
Your Tarot card deck
Piece of purple fabric or a paper 
1 piece of amethyst

Take your cards out of the box and  put them on wherever you're doing your tarot spells, cover the purple fabric / paper over the cards, repeat the lines below a couple of times
Bring sight to my cards,
Open my eyes.
Bring sight to my cards,
Open my mind.

Put the stone on top of your cards at least for 3 days.  

This is also a great way of charging your tarot cards.