
The Castle Hotel

The Castle Hotel


The Castle Hotel The Castle Hotel is situated slap bang in the centre of the historic walled market town of Conwy.
In the 1880s, the Castle Hotel came into being by the combining of two existing hostelries… the King’s Head and the Castle!
The site on which the Castle Hotel sits on was once part of an old Cistercian Abbey.
Thomas Telford, George Stephenson, William Wordsworth and the Queen of Romania have all passed through the doors of this old coaching inn.

The Castle Hotel Now, the Castle Hotel is said to be haunted by a former housemaid.
Apparently, the young maid was extremely ill and only a few days away from death when she requested that her body should be sent back to be buried in Anglesey once she had died.
Unfortunately, the landlord ignored her last wish and her body was buried in a local graveyard.
It’s said that after her funeral all sorts of paranormal activity took place at the hotel…
Water jugs would mysteriously shatter and waiters would be tripped by an unseen entity!
Eventually the landlord saw sense and had the maid’s body exhumed and sent to back to Anglesey for reburial. The paranormal activity stopped but over the years terrified witnesses have reported seeing a ghostly apparition of a housemaid wandering around the Castle Hotel.

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