
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards Review

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards Review
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray are the modern Angel-Archangel Oracle Decks.
This is only a 44 deck oracle. 
It is a nice deck but I could not connect with some of the cards.
The eyes of some angels are reminding me reptiles, and it is putting me off, I find it very disturbing. (eg: Archangel Raphael) 
Some images reminds me Sci-Fi movies.  
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards Review
Young Keanu Reeves with blue eyes and bit of six pack, straightly come out of Star Wars movie. 
I am not sure what else is putting me off from this deck but it is a deck I do not always go for. 
Even though Doreen Virtue repeats herself in her decks, her decks are visually are more attractive to me. I can connect with her decks quite easily
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards Review

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards Review

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards Review

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards Review

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards Review

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards Review

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards Review
It is not a bad deck but it is me who could not connect with this specific deck, maybe it is the modern images or the planets was in a bad position when I purchased this deck but it is one of the rare decks that we have this uneasy situation.