Doreen Virtue-Guardian Angel Tarot- Ace of Emotion |
After a day of no posts I am back to review another Doreen Virtue Deck, This week I want to finish reviewing all my Doreen Virtue Decks, so I can review the other decks and oracles I have and personally using but I am hiding the best for last. I have got a quite unusual deck which I have not had a chance to try out yet, but as soon as I try out I will be reviewing my deck here.
so here we go Doreen Virtue Guardian Angel Tarot Deck
Doreen Virtue Guardian Angel Tarot Decks comes with a small booklet, all Doreen Virtue Decks have this book.
Guardian Angel Tarots follow the Tarot system but they are more pinky without the scary images like Death, it is more positive. It helps you to see the positive thing in negative things more or less like Yin Yang.
The Cards have gold edges, I love decks with gold edges.
There are no reversals in this deck.
The Card quality is good, it is pretty much thick.
There are borders surrounding the images and numbers like on Tarots
The First Card here is a New Beginning aka The Fool in Tarot
So this is the Devil Card on the RWS decks
So if it was an RWS deck and considering that this is an upright one it would mean : Bondage, addiction, sexuality, materialism.
if it was Reversed Detachment, breaking free, power reclaimed
So you can see that this card is a combination of Positive and Negative of The Devil Card and the image is not scary, it is pretty much lovely.
Inner Strength |
Embrace Those Around You
Now Let's have a look at Minor Arcana
Ace of Abundance
Eight Of Action |
Two Of Emotion |
This deck is one of my favourites..
If you want to buy one for yourself you can click the image below and purchase it through Amazon.