
King of Pentacles - Deviant Moon Tarot

Card of the Day: King of Pentacles
KP is another Royal Tarot Court Card.
Another money, finance card.
I want to start with Love first before going into other bits..
He is a lucky card when it comes Love.
If you are single you might meet someone who will make you head over heels. 
Do not pretend like you are someone else,  the person that you are not, be open tell the person everything about yourself with your minuses with your pluses, do not lie. If he is going to be with you let him to love for who you are.  Now for the ones who have their partners, everything is going to be well for you.
Your health: Most of our health problems starts in the brain, if you learn to think positive and let the positivity heal you. 
I am not asking you to play Pollyanna but at least take her as an example. 
Think of yin & yang
Bad thoughts makes us sick. Negativity.. 
Try to create a happy and positive environment 
Your finances will improve at this time
Success is just around the corner
If someone offers you a job take it. 
KP is more like King Midas.. 
Astrologically KP is related with Gemini & Capricorn
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