
The Hierophant - Morgan Greer Tarot

Card of The Day: The Hierophant
My First R card in such a long time.  
When The Hierophant is upright it tells us that we have a conservative personality.
But when it is reversed, it tells us we have an open mind personality, we like trying out new things,
We are full of new ideas and we like taking new ventures. 
Do not be afraid to speak your own mind and ideas, there will be always someone who will listen to you and support you on your adventure. 
You are not a traditional person, you always enjoy breaking up your chains. 
You do not like to be chained, you do not like to be limited by rules, social norms, traditions. 
The Hierophant R tells us that we do not have an ultra high ego. 
We are not snob. 
This is a good time for investments, but not a good time for gambling, buying bonds, or putting your money into offshore bank accounts.
Morgan-Greer Tarot in A Tin

"Card images are © Copyright U.S. Games Systems, Inc.” 