Card 1: Strength
Archangel Micheal Strength
We all have inner strength that arises from our depths in coming soon of trouble and hardship , The Angel of Strength Archangel Micheal reminds you this and reassure you this whatever storms you are going through she is with you.
If you are feeling vulnerable for any reason ask the angel to sustain you, sit quietly for few minutes, breathe deeply and study her steadfast image to tune into her energy. Afterwards keep your mind open to her so that you'll recognise any people or information that she sends to help you, even if you do not particularly need help now. the angel advises you to built your spiritual strength for the future by meditating on this card, reading about inspirational people and connecting with nature.
I am strengthened by the power of unlimited love
Card 2 Truth
Archangel Michael Truth
Each of us has their own truth, gained from our own experience and beliefs and from the people around us. however our views can not be always accurate reflection of reality, so sometimes we need to reassess them, so that we can avoid self deception
The Angel of Truth Archangel Micheal teaches that, while you need to respect others view, you must face the mirror of truth by yourself, listen to your feeling and conscience all the time.
Open your mind to objective reality for sitting quietly for few minutes focusing on your breath and also on the sights and sounds around you. Ask the Angel to give you some sort of sign, when you are close to the about the matter in hand.
I only hold the which is honest and true close to my heart.
Card 3 : Innocence
Archangel Gabriel
As adults we enjoy the pleasures of worldly life, yet often they do not make us happy, Some experiences may even lead us to become hardened in our outlook and cause cynicism to creep into our dealings with others , however if we can look life with innocence, as if through the eyes of a child, we can free ourselves from this negativity, and let our souls take wing.
The Angel of Innocence Archangel Gabriel wants you to be happy. She consells you to look at all aspects of your world afresh, that way a child might do. Allow yourself to live in the moment in all its magic.
Accept every good thing that the universe gives you with delight and gratitude. This open wholehearted will attract even more beauty and wonder into your life
I return to innocence of mind and heart

Angel Card Reading
Angel Oracle Decks
Guardian Angels
Oracle Card Reading
Oracle Cards
The Guardian Angel Oracle