
7 of Pentacles - Silver Witchcraft Tarot

Card of The Day: SIlver Witchcraft Tarot
Card of The Day: SIlver Witchcraft Tarot
Today I decided to go with my Silver Witchcraft Tarot by Barbara Moore
I have pulled 3 cards. 

Ace Of Swords
Ace of Swords in the past position,  tells us about a new beginning in your life, it might started with a separation, this could be from your partner, job, or other things. 

It is a beginning that creates a lot of anxiety, but and the end it will lead you where you want to go.

Do not invest your money on things that you are not sure, this is not the right time to gamble at the moment. 

When it comes to health you need to start a healthy living lifestyle

Three of Pentacles 

You know have the opportunity to show your skills to others and get approval 
In the present position three of pentacles is telling me that you are scared of failure and being unsuccessful  
Do not rush things at the moment, rushing things will not change the results. 
This card usually shows up when you feel that you are not supported. 
You are your own worst enemy by criticising yourself and underestimating your skills and gifts. 
Gain back your self confidence 

7 of Pentacles 

7 of Pentacles in Future Position tells about that you need to be certain and clear about your goals.

When it comes to relationships,  You need know / realize that nobody is perfect not even you no matter how hard you try. 

Patience is a virtue, you need to be patient to reach your goals.