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Tarot Lenormand - The Enchanted Map Oracle

Tarot LenormandWeekly Card Reading : Feb 27- March 5 / Tarot Lenormand -  The Enchanted Map Oracle
Weekly Card Reading : Feb 27- March 5 / Tarot Lenormand -  The Enchanted Map Oracle

What's Waiting US THE Next Week?
I have used 2 decks for this question
The first deck above is The Enchanted Map Oracle Deck
2nd Deck is Tarot Lenormand 
Let's have a closer look 
Let's analyse one by one 
Movement  The Enchanted Map Oracle
Tarot Lenormand 4 of Wands
4 Of Wands
What Enchanted Map Oracle Tells Us
"You in a time of positive forward motion"
Finally the obstacles are being removed which were avoiding you to move forward.
Finally you can start to a new chapter. 
The doors previously shut, begin to open one by one.
Now Let's see what Four of Wands tells us 
Four of wands is also bringing good news 
 It is telling us that a transition is around the corner.
Both cards are telling us that there will be a good transition. 
5 Of Wands

The Enchanted Map Oracle Commitment
A True Commitment is a responsibility of the heart, mind, body & Soul. 
This is a good time to make one
What does Commitment Tells us
Partnerships formed at this time are harmonious and powerful.
Be clear about what you are committing.
It indicates evolution of relationship, marriage ( literal or metaphorical)
What 5 of Wands tells us
Interestingly 5 of wands warns us about conflictions, it is chaos, arguments, disagreements, struggle, internal & external issues causing problems, this creates tensions, 
Now let's see our third cards. 
two of wands 

What Compass & two of wands tells us 
As Long as you orient your compass to true North the direction of your higher power you'll never be lost. 
Expect wonderful new experiences, to stay in the highest path of your destiny you need to set your compass to the true North, only spirit and higher power can serve, nothing can help you to find your true path but only spirit . Have faith, trust yourself. 
start organising your long-term goals and prioritising what is important to you and what you really want to achieve

over all this week will be a challenge of everyone