
Legacy of the Divine - Magical Messages From The Fairies

Card Reading For 28.03.2017Card Reading For 28.03.2017 Legacy of the divine
Legacy of the Divine Ciro Marchetti

Today I have only used 2 decks for my reading, the details are at the bottom of the post.
What we have in today's reading ?

3 of Swords (R)
Page of Swords
3 of Pentacles (R)
The Devil (R)
Your Desire is Within Reach

Card Reading For 28.03.2017Card Reading For 28.03.2017 Legacy of the divine

3 of Swords & Page of Swords 

Card Reading For 28.March.2017

3 of Swords


Ruled By


There are misunderstandings in your relationship 

Think before you speak

You need to be more organised . 

Be careful do not get into any arguments, you'll end up losing even if you are right. 

Remain calm and positive, as you'll get into too many argument during this time. 

You are being negative and you are being obsessed with the past negative experiences. 


Page of  Swords  



Your situation requires a change,  to be able bring the best, Be your own counsel, be your own psychiatrist and bring out the positivity, use this time to study and improve yourself, your skills, take courses, read books, do what ever you can. Don't worry and don't think so much. 

You are still trying to heal from your past love injuries but this need time, you need to be ready for a new love.  If you want to heal quickly do some activities. 

Card Reading For 28.03.2017 Card Reading For 28.03.2017 Legacy of the divine

3 of Pentacles (R) & The Devil (R)

Card Reading For 28.03.2017 Card Reading For 28.03.2017 Legacy of the divine

3 Of Pentacle (R) 

Ruled by : Libra / Gemini 
Planet : Mercury / Venus 
3 of P in R position tells us you are not yet experienced enough to achieve your goal, you need more time and experience for this. 
3PR tells us that you are not ambitious enough and this is leading the way to failure. 
Expect delays, postponements during this time. 
Don't be impatient taking decisions, wait to take decisions and think twice, it's better late rather than having a bad end. 
try to work on your additional skills, while you are trying to achieve your goal, just improve the skills you have. 
You are frustrated bec you think all your efforts are literally being ignored, you are not getting any recognition for your hard work, nobody is acknowledging you or your works, you want to be rewarded for your hard work, but nobody's doing that.  You feel like people are using your talents and skills, and you feel you are wasted and being used. This does not motivates you at all. 
People often criticize you , and they underestimate you are your abilities. 
Don't expect any well done's, acknowledgement until you do your job better.
* When two 3's appear on a spread it tells us about a small surprise.


The Devil (R)

Is Ruled By Capricorn 
Planet: Earth 
Master : Master Kathumi

Numerology : 6 The 6 of Lovers &  the Sixes 6

Most human qualities are found in this card. 
Devil is telling us that you are attracting people who are users, who sees life as take it for granted. This is not what you want. Avoid these type of people for personal & professional success  

Be Careful who you trust to in your work environment. If something is too good to be true then it's.  Turn your radars on be on watch, be careful who offers you a hand / help at this time, don't take the easy road, do it yourself, or you'll fall upside down 

Be careful to the people who has got hidden sinisters. 

Deal with your problems and avoid sudden emotions ( suddenly bursting into tears, getting angry etc)

Devil in R position also tells us that you a little bit materialistic into materials things other than being a bit more spiritual. 

Listen to your inner-voice and intuition time to time. 

Devil also tells us not to use money or position to dominate others, or have others use money or their position to dominate and control you and get to a position over you

Devil also tells us that you are being blind to your mistakes, other people's mistakes or to the mistakes others done to you.

If you are constantly drawn to the Devil cards it shows that you are very stubborn and materialistic. 

Your Desire is within Reach 

 Magical Messages From The Fairies, Your desire is within reach

Have faith that everything is working out in your favor. 

“The fairies send this card to assure you that your prayers have been answered, for the Universe is working behind the scenes to help you. Although you may not yet see the results, they’re almost visible. Just as a seed germinates below the surface prior to sprouting into a plant, so are your desires evolving into reality. Have faith and trust that everything is working your favor…because it is!” 

We are really asking you to trust us, trust the Universe and trust the process. Don’t let the seeds of doubt be sewn into your beautiful garden of prayers and dreams. When the seeds get into that beautiful garden of yours, it makes it that much more difficult for us to give you what it is you are asking us to help you manifest.

Trust and know that those seeds, those prayers and dreams of intention that you have put out to us and the Universe, are germinating and some are even sprouting as we speak. Instead of worrying about whether or not your wishes will come true, we are asking you to let go and trust. In fact, we strongly encourage you to be like the faerie that is in the picture of the card. She isn’t worried about receiving her heart’s desire, instead she is dancing around her garden, celebrating and joyfully playing music. She isn’t worried at all because she knows that she is going to receive all that she has asked for. She has faith in the process. In fact, she has so much faith that she is playing a more active role by dancing around adding her creative energies to the process.

The Decks I have used for this reading