
Angel Dreams Oracle Deck-Dream Guide

 Angel Dreams Oracle Deck-Dream Guide- Doreen Virtue
 Angel Dreams Oracle Deck-Dream Guide- Doreen Virtue

This card has shown up to remind you that your dream guide is always with you, supporting and protecting you on your nightly journeys. 

Ask for guidance. Journal what your guide shows and teaches you, and where you are taken during your dream time.
Pay attention to all details, as they are part of a larger message.

Your dream guide also reminds you that there are many lessons to learn and offer others.

 You are a teacher. 

Employ your teaching abilities now.

- It would be beneficial for you to journal every day.

- It is time for you to connect with your guides, or for you to be a guide to someone else.

- Walk through the door of opportunity that is presented to you now.

- You are being called to teach.
-You are not alone when taking this route, your guardian angels & spirit guides will be always with you. 

The Deck I used Angel Dreams Oracle Cards

Happy Mother's Day to all my American & International Readers.