
Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro - Monday 30th October 2017

Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac, it signals the end of the road, it is a sign of of letting go of all restraints on you, and this is a day when the channels start to open up. There is sympathy and empathy here in spades, gentleness and a need for understanding. This is a day when we can pick up the vibes around us without the need to say or explain anything. 

As the day progresses, the Moon makes easy going links to both the Sun and Jupiter and we can really express our needs and desires with gusto and verve. We may feel in a bright and generous mood, indeed maybe too generous especially as the Moon closes in on a conjunction with the ruler of Pisces, Neptune. Even though we are willing to sacrifice ourselves for those who need our help, and believe me that with Saturn square to Chiron, there will be some people who are really hurting now. Just be careful not to fall into the trap of giving too much too easily and ending up a victim yourself. 

There is almost a spiritual quality about the afternoon into evening, and those of you who can sense and feel may pick up on instinctive messages now, well will be in tune with much of what is going on around us. Added to this, Mercury and Venus are in harmony throughout today too, and this will allow us to create and to compose. With an open mind and our imaginations stimulated, we will appreciate anything that has been created for our pleasure and entertainment. This is an element of the storyteller about the energy today and a fluency and expansiveness through which we can seek wisdom and knowledge. We can learn much today, so don't waste any opportunities that happen to come your way, and when it comes to the end of the day, we should rest easy tonight...

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