
Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro – Friday 13th October 2017

Yes it's Friday 13th but you won't find this Astrologer getting superstitious over this particular date. Indeed the Moon moves into Leo today and there is a sense fun in the air and of getting your emotions out on show much more than in the past few days. 

Initially, the Moon forms a benevolent link to Jupiter and if someone has done you wrong or has upset you in the past few days, and that's likely because of the tension that the planets have been stirring up earlier in the week, you may well be able to find some forgiveness in your heart now. Much of the pressure of the past few days is being released, and a new order may be taking hold. Decisions arrived at now can be long term ones that will benefit in due course. 

All the same, you will have to be careful and considered how you go about things. Hasty decisions or actions may still be hurtful and there is potential for considerable wounding with Mars opposing maverick Chiron. Going out on a limb may seem like the best thing to do, however be careful that you avoid taking things one step too far...