
Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro – Saturday 14th October 2017

The Moon continues on is the royal sign of Leo as we hit the weekend and this energy is directed to our individual needs. There is a warmth and brashness with the Moon here, and yet the confidence it instils will be tempered through the day as it forms an easy link to Saturn, the planet of limitation.

Emotions are calmed and settled with this connection and finally a sense of serenity will break out, a welcome relief I suggest as this past week has been a tension riddled one. Venus, the planet of love and values moves into it's home sign of Libra on this day, and we will be able to relate to the requirements of others far more readily. The art of compromise and finding a balance is enhanced and the lightness of touch the Venus exudes will cool down any tensions that we have. This Saturday is starting on a much more positive note than of late.

Mercury starts to move into an opposition to Uranus and you may be able to find original solutions to any difficulties that you face. Keep yourself busy today as not to get too bored, indeed unpredictability may colour this weekend as you encounter new situations or people who stimulate your mind. This is a great time for any technical or scientific tasks that you have to get on with...