
Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro – Sunday 15th October 2017 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro – Sunday 15th October 2017


Today for those of us in Europe at least there is a marked shift of energy as the Moon moves at lunchtime from brash Leo into more discerning and reserved Virgo. From needing to be out front and centre, the energy pulls back and there is more of a feeling that we should be of service now. 

During it's journey today the Moon forms beneficial links to Mercury, Uranus and Jupiter and we will be able to summon up the ability to find the the right answer to the right question, while taking a bit of a risk in the process if it is required. We can do this safe in the knowledge that things won't get too out of hand if we do, with the Sun making a supportive 60 degree sextile to the planet of stability, Saturn. 

Mars finally opposes the wounded healer Chiron today, and this connection may throw a spanner in the works. Mars in Virgo is all about acting in a way that helps others and this supports the shift of the Moon also into Virgo, however there is a sense that whatever we do, we may upset or hurt those on the receiving end of our actions. Now this energy may make us defensive in not wanting to act just in case we make a mistake, and remember Chiron is in the sign of suffering and sacrifice, Pisces. I think we need to be true to our intentions now, and accept that whatever we decide to do, it may not be as ideal as we would like it to be. Sometimes you have to be a bit cruel, to be kind...