
Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro – Monday 16th October 2017 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro – Monday 16th October 2017

The Moon continues it's journey within the confines of Virgo today and our needs today are more practical ones, such as running errands, keeping things tidy and in order, getting on with the routines that shape our daily lives, indeed we should feel happy if we are keeping ourselves occupied and useful to others. 

That said, there is potential confusion or disruption in the air first thing as the Moon opposes Neptune. All will not be as it seems, initially at least as Neptune muddies the waters, possibly causing us worry and concern. Clarity will come later as the Moon links up with Pluto, allowing us to sort the wood from the trees, and work to out what is really going on. 

Now disruption and potential accidents colour this day with Mars making a difficult angle to the planet of shocks, Uranus. Be just a little careful, as the unexpected can happen on this Monday, especially if you are taking a chance, trying to rush or cut too many corners, there is potential danger in the air. It may be wise to keep your options open today too, as the course you set out on in your actions and intentions may not necessarily be the one you end up travelling along...