
Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro – Wednesday 18th October 2017 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro – Wednesday 18th October 2017

The Moon today is travelling in the sign of relating to others, Libra, and the energy today will be focused off of ourselves and what we need and directed onto those of other people. Libra as a sign can also be quite partisan in it's requirement for justice and equality, and if we see things are out of balance, we will tend to fight to redress any inequality.

Now the Moon also links up with Venus in it's home sign and we may feel much love and sympathy through this meeting, and we get a sense of the calm after the storm. Venus is a planet of diplomacy and pleasure, and the temptation either to be a mediator or just to do nothing at all will come over us, depending how the energy takes us. This is a lazy kind of day while these two are in contact, one where we may seek the easy way out of and pressing situation. This could occur though as the Sun is now opposing Uranus and making a difficult angle to Chiron, so there is an air of unpredictability still hanging around, and the temptation to take the alternative path or route when trying to achieve any objective is strong, even if for some it is not exactly what they wish for. 

There is also another melding of forces in the cosmos as Mercury and Jupiter link up in the early degrees of Scorpio. Whenever these two connect, we always look at the bigger picture, the grand solution, big promises can be made without thinking of the smaller ramification that may occur. One senses from the position of the planets that we will be looking for the all encompassing way of doing things and we won't care about the consequences. There is danger in taking an attitude that is too “laissez faire”, so keep your eye on the ball and remember not to let things get too out of hand...