
Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro – Sunday 22nd October 2017


During this Sunday, the Moon spends the first half of the day in Scorpio before changing signs into free and easy Sagittarius. During the morning, it forms an easy tine to Chiron the planet of healing almost instantaneously followed by more difficult aspect to Uranus, and I suspect we can help ourselves and others get through difficult times through kindness and innovative approaches to things. You may have to go out of your comfort zone a little, but it will be well worth it. 

As the Moon moves into adventurous Sagittarius, so Mars also shifts into the sign of Libra, and as they do they will form a beneficial sextile aspect. This positive link up gives us an opportunity to make progress in whatever we are doing, we are emotionally tied into the plans that we have this afternoon and this sets the scene for an active end to the day. We willing to try new challenges and also to put our emotions on the line not only for ourselves but also for others too. Mars in Libra is the classic passive aggressive, iron fist in a velvet glove position, and we may now be able to get our way through charm and diplomacy, if only we can climb off that notoriously inactive Libran fence first. 

What will Mars in Libra mean for you during the next month and a half? If you know your Ascendant sign (that's dependent on your time of birth) then please read the following interpretations... 

Aries – Mars, your ruling planet in Libra will stir up your relationships and add extra spice to them. You may try to play the clever games with your partner to make your relationship more interesting and relevant to what you would like it to be, however be careful not to actually lead your partner into thinking that you are trying to force your will onto theirs. If you can avoid getting into relationship conflicts, this can be a fun and active time to spend with your loved one. 

Taurus – Mars moves into the part of your chart linked to sex and intimacy and for some of you this shift in signs may fire up passions within you. Being drawn in power games and manipulation with others may also be a by-product of Mars now moving into Libra, so remember to stand your ground and to protect your own interests. You can take steps to settle debts and actively sort out joint finances, and deal with any investments you have. 

Gemini – Mars shifts into the area of your chart connected to faith and you will feel more tempted to stand up for what you what you truly believe in, and similarly you can bring others onto your way of thinking through your charm and personality. There is a possibility that you may be brought into deal with or mediate over matters of culture and diversity, and you may be tempted to take up a study course or enter into education. 

Cancer – Being more involved in work projects may be a by-product of Mars in Libra for you or you may be asked to take more of the initiative in your career. This could be a little disconcerting for you, as you may not naturally be the type who wants to lead from the front. The way to deal with this is to use your powers of diplomacy to win colleagues over to assist you. Events and activities of a more public nature may be important for you now. 

Leo – This position for Mars will stimulate cooperation and team work, and you will be more involves with teams, associations, company work, fundraising efforts, social and community efforts than in the past. Matters with friends could also be highlighted. Mars here can stimulate arguments and debates, and you may encounter differences of opinion within friendships and collaborative projects. 

Virgo – This position of Mars for those of you with Virgo Ascendants is nothing if a little frustrating. Hidden away in your house of isolation, it will benefit you if you have work to do out of the limelight, some research or tasks behind the scenes. Then again this position may tend to thwart many of your plans for the meantime at least, and this could lead to irritation and getting totally frustrated in more private moments. At least it will give you time to reflect ion if your current course of action is the correct one, or not... 

Libra – Mars is moving in your Ascendant house giving you a proper boost of energy and initiative. You should be feeling full of beans and ready to go for whatever you set your heart's desire on. This is a forceful position, with the proviso that Mars in Libra might make you as such just a little too selfish, and too engaged in what you are doing rather than thinking about other people and their situation and needs. This can lead to conflicts in relationship situations, so be mindful of this. 

Scorpio – Mars shifts into the money making sector of your chart, and money spending too. There is much energy to plough into the work that earns you a wage, however on the flip side you might be too impulsive in how you spend what you bring in, or purchase things that you really cant afford. This part of your chart also deals with your personal values, and you may have to defend them forcefully against those who question what you stand for. 

Sagittarius – The entrance of Mars into the part of your chart connected to the mind will fill you with many new ideas and plans, however the tendency to try and do too much too quickly or to try and be all things to all people may actually deflect you from really achieving anything substantial. You may still be rather busy though, running around at high speed, doing errands and keeping in touch with multiple contacts at the same time. Try not to be too hasty, as accidents can happen. 

Capricorn - The red planet passes into the domestic part of your chart, and this can lead to you being a bit bossy or selfish at home, upsetting the harmony between yourself and family members. If you can keep yourself busy with tasks at home and linked to the place where you live, such as decorating, DIY, gardening and the like, it will help diffuse tensions and also keep you occupied. Tensions with bosses and finding a balance between your home and work life may be an issue. 

Aquarius – The change of house for Mars will be seen in you being much more energetic, creative and loving. It is moving into your house of individuality and therefore you will be much more pre-disposed to enjoying yourself via hobbies, pastimes, socialising, and spending quality time with the one you love the most. Everyone needs time to let their hair down, and this position of Mars will help you do that. Matters connected to children will also be more highlighted than in the past. 

Pisces – For you with Pisces the amount of work on your plate may increase and you may be charged with a lot more tasks to carry out than is normally the case. You may have to be careful not to get into conflict with work colleagues now, as they may tread on your toes and irritate you. Health and welfare matters also come to the fore, and you should try to look after your diet and fitness - maybe a new lifestyle regime might help? Keep yourself busy, otherwise you may be susceptible to colds and infections.