
Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro – Tuesday 24th October 2017

On this day the Moon finishes it's trip through Sagittarius and by nightfall it will be hitting the cusp of Capricorn. We are at the moment in a pattern of one easier day followed by one more difficult one, simply because most of the outer planets are in the latter degrees of the signs they are travelling through, except for Neptune. This is one of those more difficult days I am talking about. 

The normal expansive nature of our emotions through the Moon in Sagittarius is halted by midday by the Moon encountering Saturn. Here the party stops, and we face reality directly in the face. Saturn teaches us lessons galore and now he urges us to take our time and to limit our expression, to take fewer risks, and to understand that less is actually more. Saturn is like the elderly teacher in Sagittarius, reprimanding us if we haven't carried out the work we promised. We have responsibilities, and Saturn asks us to be serious about them, otherwise he'll cut our recreational time. 

There is an extra side to this connection, as Saturn is starting to close in on a square aspect to Chiron at the same time. The Moon joining this square feels the hurt and harshness, and through it we feel it emotionally. Chiron aspects often hark back to our childhood experiences and wounds, and slowly they is being opened up, through things that we believed that were true, but are actually undermining us instead. 

With Saturn progressing through the tropical constellations of Scorpio, the exposer of truths and Ophiuchus the serpent holder and healer of the night's skies , one can sense deep hidden wounds that need to be attended to. These are historical hurts, things that are deep seated and have been around for a long time, and the purging needs to begin and the poison needs to be drained away. Today is one of those days when we feel the need to apply the bandages, and to continue the process of recovery, so that in the long run we can feel better for ourselves...