
Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro – Thursday 26th October 2017

On this day the Moon is again passing through the sign of Capricorn and our prime motivation will be work and getting things done to our satisfaction. He old saying goes that if you want a job done well, then you'd better do it yourself and we might just be a little more autocratic than normally is the case. 

Our need to be in control and to want to find out the root motivation of everything that is going on will stem from the fact that the Moon makes contact with Pluto today. The Moon with Pluto is in survival mode, diving beneath the surface to dig out the real truth, remember forewarned is forearmed. Armed with the information that we need, we can make informed decisions that can benefit us the most. 

All this will be done with a smile on our faces and optimism in our hearts as the Sun and Jupiter sit on the very same degree today. The planet of our ego meets the planet of expansion and the possibility of being big headed and getting on other people's nerves because of this could be strong. There is a danger of arrogance, of being a know it all and for taking too much credit for anything that does go right. I suggest that you try and reign in some of the potential excesses of the planetary energy and try to remain quietly confident rather than outwardly bombastic. If you can achieve that, then the luck and fortune that the Sun and Jupiter bring could set you up very nicely for the rest of the week ahead.