
Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro – Saturday 28th October 2017 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro – Saturday 28th October 2017

The Moon remains in Aquarius today and a need to us to be slightly aloof and detached from people and situations remains throughout the day. The Moon in Aquarius also brings out a requirement to be a bit different and to do your own thing, and you may be happy enough to potter about on this Saturday pleasing yourself rather than having to constantly be at the beck and call of others. 

There is a kind and considerate side that we will all be able of showing with the Moon during the day making a favourable link to Venus and matters of the past or maybe people who crossed our paths in times gone by may make a reappearance, especially later in the day as the Moon approaches the South Node. Certainly our interest may be not so much on practical things but rather on gossip and finding out news about what is happening in your particular circle of friends and partners. 

Venus on this day forms a tense square to Pluto and relationship matters may get very intense and thus not so easy. You may be caught up in a battle of wills, and you may be coerced or persuaded to make decisions or act in a way that you may not be so happy about, the pressure on you or the pressure that you exert on someone else may cause tension. Matters of things that you share with your partner may also cause friction and you may need all your diplomatic skills to calm things down. Channel this energy correctly though and this may be a very passionate and memorable day; it depends how much to cooperate with other's wishes, or not...