
Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro - Tuesday 31st October 2017

It's all Hallows Eve today, originally a Gaelic festival to mark the end of the light half of the year and the beginning of the dark half. It is highly appropriate then that the Moon during this coming night finishes it's trip through the final degrees of the zodiac, before it enters into Aries, the first sign once again. 

The energy of this day is much darker and more challenging than that of the day before. We begin with the Moon linked to Neptune and our emotions are still open however we will soon pick up on. The intensity builds as the Moon and Pluto link up in a sextile that asks us to try and take control of a situation that is developing, and then it makes a difficult angle to Venus. There may be a hitch or a disturbance with someone we hold dear to us, maybe there will be a misunderstanding of sorts, or maybe we will find that we are challenged to justify our position in some way? 

The latter part of the day sees the Moon moving into a challenging square between Chiron and Saturn. We experienced this square a week ago on the 24th and this was a day when we either had to intentionally hurt someone, or maybe we were hurt ourselves. Or suffered in some manner. Today may be a day when we have to apologise or atone for our previous actions. 

This evening it is connected to Chiron and maybe through being open and honest we can find solutions and relief from the pain that was caused the week before? I suggest you stay true to your feelings but remember this. Not everything you need to make an informed decision will be there for you to assess, and much may still be hidden behind a veil of secrecy. As such, be careful not to put all your eggs in one basket, and as such do try to keep your options open. It will benefit you in the future if you do...

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Solaris Astrology - Thanks...