
Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro - Wednesday 1st November 2017 | All About Paranormal } -->

Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro - Wednesday 1st November 2017

We start a new cycle today as the Moon in the early hours (UK/European time) slips into the sign of the Ram. As with any beginning there will be enthusiasm and a willing to start things afresh, a new day, a new dawn, new opportunities. There may be a sense of haste around us now and individual purpose to get things done, indeed we may need to get things done and anyone who stands in our way may irk us. 

The reason for this rather self-centred and selfish energy is that not only is the Moon is now in Aries but immediately it starts to oppose Mars, ruled by Aries. Someone or something may stand in our way today and our more highly strung emotions with the Moon now moving in a fire sign may be tested by an equally motivated force working against us. There could be a battle of wills that we have to endure today, passionate or even aggressive intent from someone trying to get the better of us. Will your strength of character win through? Surely your patience will be tested if nothing else. On a positive note, we can and will get things done if we have a free road ahead of us, so use this positivity to it's fullest degree if you can. 

Mercury today links up with the star Agena in the constellation of Centaurus, a star of finding solutions to other people's problems, and with our mental increased energy, this may be a good outlet for us to let of steam. Our ideas and thoughts can help others today and make their life better, so be open to suggest solutions to problems. On a darker note and in the light of the Moon opposition to Mars, if we are irritated about something we may respond with cutting sarcasm. Try though if you can to stay on the lighter, more positive side of things, and view each issue you face as an opportunity rather than a hindrance, and then you will make the best of a potentially confrontational day.

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