
Astrology of the Day from Solarisastro – Saturday 7th October 2017

The Moon is in the sign of earthy Taurus for the whole of the day and free from any involvement with the other planets in the skies above us, thus we can focus on what we value ourselves, and the people we trust and love around us.
Taurus is a sign of building and making and thus this is a day for getting emotionally involved in things that are physical and real in your life, be it planning for the future, making progress in the ideas and thoughts that you had yesterday, and dealing in a practical manner with current problems that you are enduring. 

This is a day for enjoying nature and the environment around you, and being in the presence of people that you love to be around, even if they are being a little colder and reserved than normal. If you aren't feeling the love, it's because Venus and Saturn are closing in on the most difficult angle that they can make to each other. This will cause some stress in partnerships over the weekend, however hold firm and be as understanding as you can be, and things will change for the better in the not too distant future...