
Deviant Moon Tarot - Vintage Wisdom Oracle

Deviant Moon Tarot - Vintage Wisdom Oracle
Deviant Moon Tarot - Vintage Wisdom Oracle

If you have a chance this is a great time for travelling, if you can afford it go for a small break, get away from the stress of daily life.
This is also a great sign that many changes coming to yourway.
There's a possibility of relocation, maybe finding your permanent home

Scorpio & Sagittarius

Key dates: November 13 to December 12
Questions to Y/N then the answer is Yes

A goddess of serene power and keen awareness stands beneath a portal-like entrance. She holds a gleaming, golden sword and is surrounded and protected by two proud and watchful swans. We see both the sun and the moon, a balance of day and night - one not existing without the others presence and absence. Both shed a unique light on the world.

Notice the halo of light above her head, which indicates divine guidance and consciousness beyond the physical and mortal world we all tend to dwell upon. The sword seems to almost be shooting from her hand as a creation of her own; we know that items such as swords must pass through four elements to "become" – fire/heat, water/cool, air/rest, and earth/shape. Like the sword, we also regularly pass through life's many initiations of varying quality and extremity. We are left with the results of how we fare during those rituals.

The sword, as a defense, implies readiness for action. We can interpret this action depending upon the circumstances of our adversity, but only if we first take heed of the message of divine consciousness. We create our reality and responses first through our thoughts. Often, our emotions are confused with thought - yet they are not the same. How important is it to you that your decisions and actions be driven by rationality and mindful thinking? How can the consequences be affected by thoughts which are focused on resolutions instead of resistance? Only you know the true quality of your thoughts.

The two swans in this card represent loyalty as these are creatures who remain with their mates for years or even until death. This indicates that the protection which surrounds you is natural, everlasting, and beckons you towards the truth of love. In connection with the sword, this concept of love is important and valuable; the sword of your own creation has the power to sever ties which bind you to toxic attachments, relationships, behaviors, or situations which are draining you or no longer serving your highest good. Your love of self is your best protection.

Know that the highest love is the love you have for your own inner being. You owe it to yourself to experience life without toxicity and with an awareness of your own internal guidance system. This card asks you to draw upon your strength, courage, and capacity for self-love to steer you through any uncharted waters ahead.
There's a new beginning that started with separations, as the other cards stated that there's a big change coming up to your way & whether this change good or bad it's uncertain at this time.

Ace of Swords is connected to all air signs in astrology Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

Answers Y/N question is a yes bec AS is a victory card.

This will be the time to solve your financial problems. 

Lots of great opportunities awaiting you. 

Answers to Y/N questions is Y 

Also it's a great time for learning new things